August 2006 in the United States

August 24, 2006 (Thursday)
  • A shooting has been reported at Essex Town Elementary School in Essex, Vermont, and at least one female staff member and someone else are reported injured.(WCAX)(Reuters)
August 18, 2006 (Friday)
  • A United States federal judge ordered the Bush Administration to halt its warrantless domestic surveillance program, ruling that it violates the United States Constitution. The United States Justice Department filed an appeal within hours of the ruling.
August 17, 2006 (Thursday)
  • Search teams off of the Aleutian Islands discover what may be the remains of the World War II submarine USS Grunion.
  • Ford to shut 10 plants in North America temporarily as it slashes production by 21%. (CNN Money)
  • United States district court judge Williams Alsup orders Greg Anderson, the personal trainer of Barry Bonds to testify before a Grand Jury about use of steroids by athletes. (Bloomberg)
  • Thai police claim that John Mark Karr has confessed to the murder of JonBenét Ramsey. Karr tells reporters after the press conference that he was with the child when she died but didn't mean to kill her. (CBS)
August 16, 2006 (Wednesday)
August 15, 2006 (Tuesday)
August 10, 2006 (Thursday)
August 8, 2006 (Tuesday)
  • CBS News's Mike Wallace holds an interview with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran. In the interview, Ahmadinejad said that the letter he sent to George W. Bush was meant to "open a window towards the light" for Bush to "see that one can look on the world through a different perspective." He responded to his nation's nuclear program and possible weapons program saying that Iran was "studying" the offer presented by the United States and the European Union. He also claimed that Bush "believes that his power emanates from his nuclear warhead arsenals." (CBS News)
  • In the closest-watched U.S. political campaign of 2006, Ned Lamont defeats Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman in the Democratic primary. Connecticut Democrats, some of the country's most liberal, are the first to make an attempt to remove a sitting U.S. Senator for supporting the War in Iraq. (CBS)
  • Amid news of slower-than expected growth and a quarterly rise in the unemployment rate in the United States, Federal Reserve System Chairman Ben Bernanke announced that there will be no increase to the Fed fund rate, ending a two-year period of rising interest rates. (Bloomberg)
August 7, 2006 (Monday)
    • A US military hearing has examined the testimony by one of the accused in an incident where a 14-year-old girl and three family members in Mahmudiya were allegedly killed by four US soldiers after the girl's rape in March. (BBC)
  • Oil price futures hit a record high for one blend of crude oil (Brent crude) after BP found corrosion damage to the Alaskan pipeline and cut production in Prudhoe Bay 50%. (Associated Press)(BBC)
  • AOL publicly releases 20 million unfiltered search keywords for 500,000 users, containing personally identifiable information about users' search habits. (TechCrunch)
August 5, 2006 (Saturday)
August 4, 2006 (Friday)
August 3, 2006 (Thursday)