Atlantic Institute for Market Studies

Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (AIMS), is "an independent, non-partisan social and economic public policy think tank based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.[1] It examines issues such as public education, health care, public finances, equalization, natural resources, Atlantica and demographics."

It takes a generally pro-free-market anti-regulation stance, including private participation in Canadian health care. The Atlantica Party shares some of these positions but is not formally allied to AIMS.

AIMS is sometimes described as Nova Scotia and New Brunswick's east-coast version of the Alberta/BC Frontier Centre for Public Policy. The two organizations cooperated in releasing simultaneous "report cards" for schools in March 2011 . It is sometimes described as a right-wing response to GPI Atlantic and positions taken by Council of Canadians and Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and ecology NGOs such as Sierra Club of Canada, Ecology Action Centre and Greenpeace.


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