Association of UK University Hospitals

The Association of UK University Hospitals has 45 members, who are all Chief Executives from UK University Hospitals. It has offices at Woburn House, Tavistock Square, London the headquarters of Universities UK.

Katie Petty-Saphon the Executive Director

It has five affiliated groups:

The Association has produced an ‘acuity/dependency’ tool for use in assessing nurse to patient ratios in hospital wards.[1]

The Association wrote to Monitor on behalf of its English members to object to the NHS tariff proposals for 2015/6. What is proposed includes a 3.8% efficiency target and a new marginal rate rule restricting payments for specialised services to 50% of normal rates for all activity above an agreed baseline.[2]

See also Shelford Group


  1. "'How do those charged with delivering safe care ensure safe staffing?'". Nursing Times. 22 March 2011. Retrieved 26 January 2015.
  2. "Monitor delays controversial tariff decision". Health Service Journal. 15 January 2015. Retrieved 26 January 2015.

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