Association for Safe International Road Travel

The Association for Safe International Road Travel (usually abbreviated as ASIRT) is a non-profit, humanitarian organization that promotes road travel safety through education and advocacy. Rochelle Sobel, president and founder of ASIRT, created the organization in 1995, in response to her son Aron's death in a bus crash in Turkey. ASIRT helped found the US Congressional Caucus on Global Road Safety, and is an internationally influential and active organization. Working under the premise that road crashes are predictable and preventable, ASIRT serves the global community in a variety of ways to help reduce injuries and deaths and the associated social and economic impacts that result from them.

ASIRT serves as a resource to governments, corporations, travel organizations, guidebooks, study abroad programs, health/travel clinics and non-governmental organizations. ASIRT also helps to foster the development of new road safety organizations in other countries.


To save lives and minimize crash-related injuries by assisting travelers to manage road risks and inspiring the world to take actions to improve road safety. ASIRT accomplishes this mission through education, advocacy and the creation and support of exemplary, sustainable road safety programs and partnerships worldwide.


ASIRT's headquarters are based in Potomac, Maryland, however, ASIRT works in Kenya, Turkey, Egypt, and many other countries.

Political achievements and goals

Working with Members of U.S. Congress: Alongside the Congressional Caucus on Global Road Safety, ASIRT works to increase awareness of U.S. legislators about the crisis in global road safety. The help of this bi-cameral, bi-partisan caucus has spearheaded the passing of ASIRT's resolution, H. Con. Res. 87. This resolution solidifies the United States' support for the United Nations' resolution for a World Remembrance Day for Road Crash Victims and their Families.

Working with Members of the U.S. State Department: ASIRT encourages State Department efforts on road safety by:

Working with the international community: ASIRT is a leader in the global road safety community, informing and cooperating with the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.N. and the World Bank.

Citizens traveling abroad

ASIRT provides road safety information to tourists, students and corporate travelors.

Publications and media

Faces Behind the Figures:

A compilation of interviews of road crash victims and their families to memorialize and inspire road safety choices that save lives.

ASIRT on the Today Show

On July 6, 2007 ASIRT was featured on the Today Show

External links