Asset classes

An asset class is a group of securities that have similar financial characteristics, behave similarly in the marketplace, and are subject to the same laws and regulations. The three main asset classes are equities (stocks), fixed-income (bonds) and cash equivalents (money market instruments).

In addition to the three main asset classes, some investment professionals would add real estate and commodities, and possibly other types of investments, to the asset class mix. Whatever the asset class lineup, each one is expected to reflect different risk and return investment characteristics, and will perform differently in any given market environment.

Asset classes and asset class categories are often mixed together. In other words, describing large-cap stocks or short-term bonds asset classes is incorrect. These investment vehicles are asset class categories, and are used for diversification purposes.

Stocks - Also called equities

Fixed income - Fixed income, or bond investments, generally pay a set rate of interest over a given period, then return the investor’s principal.

Money market - Money market investments are relatively safe, liquid short-term investments; examples include: government issued securities, CDs, banker’s acceptances, euros and commercial paper.

Guaranteed - Guaranteed assets with a fixed rate and backed by the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurer.

Real estate - Your home or investment property, plus shares of funds that invest in commercial real estate.

Most financial experts agree that some of the most effective investment strategies involve diversifying investments across broad asset classes like stocks and bonds, rather than focusing on specific securities that may or may not turn out to be "winners." Diversification is a technique to help reduce risk. However, there is no guarantee that diversification will protect against a loss of income.

The goal of asset allocation is to create a balanced mix of assets that have the potential to improve returns, while meeting your:

Being diversified across asset classes may help reduce volatility. If you include several asset classes in your long-term portfolio, the upswing of one asset class may help offset the downward movement of another as conditions change. But keep in mind that there are inherent risks associated with investing in securities, and diversification doesn’t protect against loss.




  1. TIAA-CREF. "TIAA-CREF - Asset Classes". Retrieved 2014-02-28.
  2. "Asset Class Definition | Investopedia". Retrieved 2014-02-28.