Asami Sato

Asami Sato
Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra character
First appearance "The Voice in the Night"
Last appearance "The Last Stand"
Created by Michael Dante DiMartino
Bryan Konietzko
Voiced by Seychelle Gabriel
Full name Asami Sato
Species Human
Gender Female
Occupation Aviator, Businessperson, Engineer, Entrepreneur, Industrialist, Inventor
Family Hiroshi Sato (father, deceased)
Yasuko (mother, deceased)
Significant other(s) Korra (girlfriend)[1][2]
Mako (boyfriend, seasons 1, 2)
Nationality United Republic of Nations
Age 18 in Book One: Air, 19 in Book Two: Spirits, 22 in Book Four: Balance
Bending Element Nonbender
Hair color Raven black
Eye color Green
Position Protagonist

Asami Sato is a major character, voiced by Seychelle Gabriel, in Nickelodeon's animated television series The Legend of Korra, which aired from 2012 to 2014. The character and the series, a sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender, were created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko. The series' final scene, indicating the beginning of a romantic relationship between Asami and the female lead character, Korra, was unprecedented in its representation of LGBT persons in American children's television.[3][4]

Character overview

Unlike many people in the world of The Legend of Korra, Asami is not able to "bend", or manipulate, one of the elements of water, earth, fire, or air. A trained engineer, skilled pilot and driver, and competent unarmed combatant, she is the only child of the wealthy industrialist Hiroshi Sato, who invented the "Satomobile" and whose company, Future Industries, is headquartered in Republic City.[5]

After befriending Avatar Korra in the first season, Asami, together with the pro-bending athletes and brothers Mako and Bolin, became one of Korra's regular companions. In between the first and second season, she became the head of Future Industries after her father was imprisoned for conspiring with the Equalists. She led the company back from the brink of collapse and defended it against the shady inventor and businessman Varrick's attempted takeover in the second season. In between her adventures with Korra, Asami and Future Industries were responsible for rebuilding much of Republic City after much of it was wrecked in the second season's finale. In the fourth season, now collaborating with Varrick and reconciled with her father, she helped thwart the invasion of the United Republic by Kuvira's Earth Empire.[6]

Asami was introduced in the first season as Mako's girlfriend. Their relationship ended as Mako left Asami in favor of Korra at the end of season one, although the romance briefly rekindled in the second season. In the third and fourth season, Asami and Korra became increasingly close friends, and the last scene of the series signaled the beginning of a romantic relationship between them.[1]



Rita Hayworth's hair inspired Asami's design.

Asami was initially conceived to be a duplicitous spy for the Equalist movement - antagonists in the first season - embedded within Team Avatar. However, the character became so well liked by co-creators DiMartino and Konietzko that they rewrote her to be a friend to Korra, and ignorant of her father's Equalist activities.[1] DiMartino remembered that he and Konietzko "knew" they needed "a character who wasn't a bender" after they decided on the nonbender revolution storyline.[7] Konietzko also floated the idea to the writing team that Asami might be bisexual "before the audience had ever laid eyes on" either her or Korra, but initially shelved the idea, assuming Nickelodeon would not allow it to be aired. This decision would be reversed after season two.[1]

After the events of the first season, Asami Sato evolved into a major in-universe business leader[8] and was revealed to be a genius engineer/inventor, comparable with Bruce Wayne.[9] DiMartino specifically compared her post-season one background and capabilities - although not personality - to those of Batman.[10]

Bryan Konietzko's design of Asami was based on the idea of an actress from the "Golden Age" of Hollywood (c. 1927–63) in the world of Avatar, and her hair was inspired by that of Rita Hayworth, an American actress famous in the 1940s. Konietzko wrote that Asami's resemblance to the character Lust from the 2009 anime series Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood was coincidental, as he had not seen the series at the time of Asami's design in 2010.[11] Konietzko had previously had difficulty drawing women and chose to design Asami by himself, wanting a challenge.[7]


Throughout the first three seasons of The Legend of Korra, Asami consistently is seen wearing a dark red and gray jacket, red turtleneck dress, pink leggings and black boots. The character was given a slightly different design in the fourth and final season of the series, which was revealed via a trailer for the season in September 2014. Entertainment Monthly wrote that while her appearance had changed, she still retained "the image of a businesswoman not to be messed with".[12] Noriel Espinueva of Hallels felt the character looked "even more mature", adding that the design change contributed to the narrative that much had changed during the three-year gap between the third and fourth seasons of the series.[13] The A.V. Club found her clothing to be more business-oriented than her previous attire and her hair to be worn in a similar manner to her mother.[14]


Seychelle Gabriel voices Asami.

Asami is voiced by Seychelle Gabriel. Gabriel's first involvement in the Avatar franchise was portraying Yue in The Last Airbender.[15] Gabriel received The Legend of Korra scripts days before recording and was surprised by Asami turning against her father, calling it a "really weird situation to wrap your head around" as Asami had lost both of her parents.[16] Gabriel was well-aware of the comparisons between Asami and Batman, having seen an Internet meme highlighting this[17] and she and her parents were supportive of the friendship between Asami and Korra. She especially liked that they were two girls who did not let "a guy get between them", feeling that they were stronger together as well.[18] While listing actors that he felt bore a resemblance to the characters of The Legend of Korra and could potentially play them in a live-action film, Tommy DePaoli of Moviepilot mentioned her as a suitable candidate, writing that Gabriel "would make an impeccable Asami."[19]


Raised in wealth and luxury, Asami is introduced as a sweet, caring, and independent young woman capable of handling adverse situations; she has trained in self-defense combat since childhood, and is "more than able to take care of herself".[20] Throughout the series, she maintains a collected[21] and mature[8] presence in the cast, using her wealth and abilities both to defend Republic City and to help others, defying both the daddy's little girl and bratty teenage daughter tropes. In a collection of highly emotional personalities, Asami is described by The A.V. Club as the "brains" of "Team Avatar 2.0."[21]

Asami's independence and strength of character leave her unafraid to stand up for her beliefs.[22] She sides with her bender friends against her father, Hiroshi Sato, after he was revealed to be integral part of the anti-bender Equalist movement - a decision The A.V. Club referred to as "stone cold".[22]

Hallmarked through much of the series by her equanimity, Asami seldom maintains grudges over time. She never holds generalized prejudice against benders, despite losing her mother as to a murderous triad firebender in her childhood; she harbors little long-term ill will towards Mako after their romantic breakup, remaining friends after a period of upset - she even shows little animosity towards Korra after the Avatar 'stole' her then-boyfriend Mako. Instead, she develops a deeper friendship with Korra - so much so that the two become romantically involved in season four.

The major exception to this theme is the resentment Asami carries against her father, Hiroshi, for both his emotional betrayal and physical attempt on her life. She musters no sympathy or forgiveness toward him for many years, preferring to keep him out of her life, and refusing his attempts at reconciliation. However, after receiving a heartfelt apology from jail, and coming through correspondence to understand how much he was suffering from his own guilt, she eventually forgives him, echoing familial-reconciliation themes exhibited throughout The Legend of Korra.[6]


Asami is shown to be a practical thinker and a capable engineer, able to repair and construct vehicles and other period technology with limited resources, such as when she improvised a makeshift sand-sailer using materials from a destroyed airship.[23] She is also a skilled Pai Sho player, proving to be an effective strategist.[24]

Although she is a non-bender, Asami is highly proficient in hand-to-hand combat. Her weapon of choice is an electrified glove, which she typically uses to incapacitate her opponents. Asami is particularly nimble in combat, once eluding attacks from five chi blockers before using her electrified glove to stun them all.

Additionally, Asami is Team Avatar's de facto machine operator. Asami is an excellent automobile and moped/motorcycle driver in a technological period where that is new, having learned through test-driving her father's Satomobile line of vehicles; she taught Avatar Korra to drive, as well. Asami can also pilot airships, and operate other machinery such as motorboats, sand-sailers, and forklifts. Having assisted her father in operating their company before assuming engineering and management responsibilities, she has developed a keen eye for discerning high quality design and construction from subpar work, and utilizes this knowledge to further Team Avatar's goals in episodes such as season three's "Long Live the Queen".[23]


The Legend of Korra

Book One: Air

Asami Sato first appears in the series in the season one episode "The Voice in the Night", wherein she meets Mako by hitting him with her moped in a minor traffic accident. Recognizing the captain of the pro-bending team "Fire Ferrets", she invites him out to dinner by way of apology. A fan of pro-bending, she offers to become the team's sponsor.[25]

Asami's mother is later revealed to have been murdered during a triad robbery of their mansion when she was six years old. Her father, Hiroshi Sato, maintained a hatred of all benders thereafter - this is his motivation for joining the Equalists, an anti-bending movement that served as the antagonistic group of season one. Upon discovering her father's role, Asami joins with Korra, Bolin, and Mako, to form Team Avatar, turning against her father.[26] This leads to a battle against Hiroshi Sato and his mecha, during which her father attempts to kill her. With Bolin's help, she defeats and captures Hiroshi.[27]

Book Two: Spirits

Between seasons one and two, and following her father's imprisonment, Asami assumes control of Future Industries.[28] With the reputation of the company in tatters, Asami needs to collaborate with the entrepreneur Varrick to save her company from bankruptcy. However, Varrick is later found to be committing acts of violence, fraud, and theft to entangle the Republic in the Water Tribe Civil War. After Varrick is arrested, the deal is nullified, and Asami regains full control of her company. Future Industries becomes an economic powerhouse; Asami herself becomes an urban planner, leading the reconstruction of Republic City's infrastructure after the physical return of Spirit World creatures to the human world.

Book Three: Change

Throughout season three, Asami and Korra's friendship deepens. During a ride in Asami's car, the two engage in a friendly but honest discussion about Mako, whom both dated. They express happiness and relief that their "rivalry" over Mako did not destroy their friendship. This is the first time Korra refers to Asami as a "girlfriend", although at this point the term is not used romantically.[29] When Korra decides to seek out new airbenders, Asami joins her team and also provides a Future Industries airship for them to use in their search. From that point on Asami and Korra spend a significant amount of time with each other, seeking out new airbenders, fighting against bandits and investigating a faction known as the Red Lotus. After both being captured by Earth Kingdom forces, they work as a team to escape from the Earth Kingdom airship where they were being held captive, resulting in the airship crashing into a desert. Asami is able to design a sand-sailer from the wreckage, which she, Korra, and their former captors collaborate to build. Following an attack from the Red Lotus on the Northern Air Temple, Asami volunteers to watch over Korra's body when Korra visits the Spirit World in an attempt to contact the leader of the Red Lotus.

Asami Sato as she appeared in season four; three years older, a bit taller, and with a changed hairstyle.

The final battle in "Venom of the Red Lotus" at the end of season three leaves Korra wheelchair-bound. Asami becomes her day-to-day caretaker during the first phase of her recovery.

Book Four: Balance

In the fourth season, it is shown that Korra's recovery process takes three years, which she mostly spends at the South Pole. Asami is the only member of Team Avatar with whom Korra maintains contact during this time, as they write to each other about their fears and vulnerabilities.[30]

While Korra is absent, Asami meets with her jailed father, Hiroshi Sato. Asami reveals that she has been receiving but not reading her father's prison letters, and demands that he stop trying to reconcile. However, the relationship thaws as Hiroshi apologies, acknowledges his crimes, and expresses his pride in Asami, stating that Asami was the "greatest thing he ever created".[31]

Out for dinner with friends, Asami accidentally reveals that she and Korra had maintained correspondence, despite Korra's silence with everyone else, provoking resentment from Mako and prompting him to demand, "What's been going on between you two?" Also, when Asami reveals she has visited her father, Korra objects, asking if Asami really feels Hiroshi could be trusted. Asami angrily responds that she is well aware of her father's capabilities, and asserts that it is not Korra's place to second-guess her after being away for three years.[32]

Midway through season four, as the threat from Kuvira - now self-proclaimed founder of the Earth Empire - builds, Asami is summoned to Republic City Hall and ordered to work with Varrick to find a way to counter Kuvira's growing military threat. Asami agrees reluctantly, reminding Varrick she has not forgotten his past betrayals. In "The Last Stand", Asami also reunites with her father, Hiroshi, who is allowed out of jail temporarily for the same purposes. As they prepare for a last-stand defensive effort, Asami tells her father she loves him, a sentiment he immediately returns. Hiroshi Sato loses his life in the battle, saving his daughter in an act of self-sacrifice, validating Asami's acceptance, and completing their reconciliation arc.

The series' final shot, showing Asami and Korra becoming a romantic couple, was seen as pushing the boundaries of LGBT representation in children's TV.[33]

In the series denouement, Asami has a private conversation with Korra, in which Korra apologizes to Asami for their years apart between Book Three: Change and Book Four: Balance, and Asami reveals how she could not have coped with the loss of her father and Korra on the same day. When Korra inquires about what they should do next, Asami states that she does not feel like returning to the party, and needs a vacation. When Korra suggests they vacation with just each other, anywhere Asami wants, Asami asks to see the Spirit World. The episode then cuts to an unstated time shortly thereafter, wherein Korra and Asami step into the spirit portal, turn to face each other, hold both hands and gaze into each other's eyes as the camera swings upwards into the portal, officially signaling the start of their romantic involvement.[34]

Appearances in other media

In March 2015, Bryan Konietzko posted previously unseen artwork of Korra and Asami embracing, entitled Turtle-duck Date Night. The art was announced to be sold as an exclusive print for The Legend of Korra / Avatar: The Last Airbender Tribute Exhibition at Gallery Nucleus and that its proceeds would be donated by Konietzko to an LGBTQ suicide prevention hotline.[35][36]


Asami Sato's role in the series has been met with acclaim. As an engineer and leader in a STEM field, Asami has been praised as an inspiration, informing "young girls watching The Legend of Korra that they, too, could pursue a career in technology and mechanical engineering",[37] particularly by LGBT-friendly commentators and fans.[38] While initially criticized as underdeveloped,[39] the character was praised for growing beyond her initial depiction as an apparent romantic foil into a "woman that has taken the smoldering wreckage of her father's company and turned it into something amazing."[40][41] Tyler Edwards of The Artifice called her "a great example of a formidable woman", citing her status as the only main character without bending abilities and her compensating by using her martial arts and technology in place of it.[42]

Max Nicholson of IGN praised Asami's romantic rivalry with Korra for the affections of Mako.[43] The character's role in the romantic rivalry was also criticized, with Erin Tatum describing Asami as "...actually really nice and arguably more sympathetic than Korra, but we are supposed to irrationally hate her because she's blocking the Official Couple [Korra and Mako]."[44] In contrast, Alex Cranz wrote that Asami was "the best romantic foil ever put onto a kid's show... Were we supposed to hate her? Be suspicious of her? It didn't matter she was too cool to hate."[45] Reviewer Jason Krell criticized the brief reintroduction of the Asami-Mako relationship in Season 2. Krell commended the character for not prioritizing the relationship when "more important things were at stake", but felt Asami "should know better than to take Mako back for a second time."[46] Noel Kirkpatrick wrote that he did not understand why either Asami or Korra had been interested in Mako "aside from the fact that he's the only single dude around who wasn't Bolin."[47]

The depiction of the character's complex relationship with her father also received praise. Nicholson expressed that her falling out with her father Hiroshi Sato would make a "compelling moral struggle" and compared their relationship to that of Avatar: The Last Airbender's Zuko and his father Ozai.[48] Asami's interactions with her father after he redeems himself in the fourth season were seen as "poignant scenes".[49] The scene prior to his sacrifice, in which she realized he would soon be killed, was viewed as "heartbreaking".[50]

Relationship with Korra

The depiction of a romantic relationship between Asami and Korra in the show's final moments received widespread praise. Vanity Fair noted Asami's evolution from "a walking, talking, bending failure of the Bechdel Test", praising the writers for taking "a tired dynamic between two women and turn[ing] it into something fresh and exciting."[9] Joshua Rivera of Entertainment Weekly said of Korra and Asami, "These are two women who have wrestled with their legacies and the roles the world wanted them to fulfill, and rejected them in favor of a destiny of their own making. When they return, it'll be to take part in the world they helped shape in their struggle to find themselves."[51] Megan Farokhmanesh of Polygon wrote that by portraying Korra and Asami as bisexual, the series even avoided the error of assuming sexual orientation, as many other TV series did, to be a strict divide between "gay" and "straight".[52] Ivan Mateo of The Poly Post found the two characters to have discovered "mutual ground" despite being "two unique women", with Asami utilizing "her ingenuity and intellect towards creativity while still remaining modest."[53] Among the handful of critics who viewed the pairing negatively, E. Steven Burnett of Christ and Pop Culture wrote that the depiction of a same-sex relationship “hijacks Korra’s story in service of social causes to the detriment of its own creative storytelling."[54]

In response to criticism that the relationship was thrown in to appeal to fans who "shipped" Korra and Asami, Konietzko pointed out that any decision they made regarding Asami's romantic life could be interpreted as caving to a specific group of fans who supported Asami being paired with a certain character, and claimed that at the end of the day, the creators went for the relationship that felt right to them. He also suggested that anyone who felt the relationship was not adequately foreshadowed had watched the last two seasons only expecting to see heterosexual relationships.[1]

Prior to the reveal of the romantic relationship, there was a positive reception to the friendship of Asami and Korra, the two being viewed as "perfect partners" in that their personalities and traits went together.[55] Oliver Sava of The A.V. Club mentioned Korra only writing back to Asami out of her friends as saying "a lot about how much their relationship has grown over the course of the series",[56] with The Mary Sue noting Asami's role in Korra's recovery from PTSD.[57] The relationship was praised for having realism, including depictions of disagreements between the two.[58] Nicholson called the friendship his "favorite character dynamic" of the third season.[59] Juliet Kahn of ComicsAlliance had a less positive stance as she expressed that she did not understand what "binds" Asami and Korra together, citing that it was due to the "conspicuous, if well-coiffed void that is Asami's personality", summarizing her as "nice, and friendly, and pretty, and rich, and that's about it."[60]

Joe Morgan of Gay Star News wrote that a romantic relationship between Asami and Korra "has been heavily hinted at over the years".[61] Prior to the airing of the series finale, the two characters had drawn comparisons to Aang and Katara's relationship in Avatar: The Last Airbender.[62] Entertainment Monthly ranked the season four episode "Korra Alone" as second place in their list "The Top Ten Episodes of The Legend of Korra", mentioning the episode offering a deeper insight into their relationship.[63]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Konietzko, Bryan. "Korrasami Is Canon.". Co-Creator's Blog. Tumblr. Retrieved 22 December 2014.
  2. DiMartino, Michael. "Korrasami Confirmed". Co-Creator's Blog. WordPress. Retrieved 22 December 2014.
  3. Robinson, Joanna (19 December 2014). "How a Nickelodeon Cartoon Became One of the Most Powerful, Subversive Shows of 2014". Vanity Fair. Retrieved 19 December 2014.
  4. IGN Staff (24 December 2014). "THE LEGEND OF KORRA: IGN EDITORS REACT TO THE ENDING AND KORRASAMI". IGN. Retrieved 25 December 2014.
  5. "An early sketch design for Asami Sato". Korra Nation on Tumblr. February 27, 2012. Retrieved 2012-02-29.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Mammano, Michael (19 December 2014). "Book Four Finale Review". Den of Geek.
  7. 7.0 7.1 DiMartino, Michael Dante (2013). The Legend of Korra—The Art of the Animated Series, Book One: Air. Dark Horse Books. pp. 22–23. ISBN 978-1616551681.
  8. 8.0 8.1 "The Mary Sue Exclusive Interview With the Creators of Avatar and The Legend of Korra!". The Mary Sue. 14 October 2014.
  9. 9.0 9.1 "How a Nickelodeon Cartoon Became One of the Most Powerful, Subversive Shows of 2014". Vanity Fair. 19 December 2014.
  10. Nicholson, Max (26 July 2012). "The Legend of Korra Cast and Creators Talk Book Two". IGN.
  11. Konietzko, Bryan (June 18, 2012). "Bryan Konietzko's June 2012 Tumblr post". Tumblr.
  12. "Trailer Analysis: ‘The Legend of Korra’ "Book Four: Balance"". Entertainment Monthly. September 28, 2014.
  13. Espinueva, Noriel (October 6, 2014). "'Legend of Korra Season 4': Mainstays Mako and Asami Look Even More Mature". Hallels.
  14. Sava, Olivia (October 3, 2014). "Review: The Legend of Korra: "After All These Years"".
  15. "More are cast in M. Night Shyamalan's Last Airbender". Sci Fi Wire. March 13, 2009.
  16. Rich, El (July 13, 2012). "Noodles, Republic City, & Bolin's Undying Love: Legend of Korra Cast Interview". Buzznet.
  17. Nicholson, Max (July 27, 2012). "THE LEGEND OF KORRA CAST AND CREATORS TALK BOOK TWO". IGN.
  18. "SDCC 2014: Legend of Korra Panel LIVE". Entertainment Monthly. July 25, 2014.
  19. DePaoli, Tommy (February 4, 2015). "These Actors Need to Be in a Live-Action Legend of Korra Movie!".
  20. Yaneza, Rickey (19 May 2012). "Review: The Aftermath".
  21. 21.0 21.1 Guendelsberger, Emily (2 June 2012). "The AV Club: When Extremes Meet". The A.V. Club.
  22. 22.0 22.1 Guendelsberger, Emily (19 May 2012). "The Legend of Korra: The Aftermath". The A.V. Club.
  23. 23.0 23.1 Nicholson, Max (8 August 2014). "Legend of Korra: Long Live the Queen". IGN.
  24. Nicholson, Max (1 August 2014). "Legend of Korra: The Stakeout". IGN.
  25. Director: Joaquim Dos Santos, Ki Hyun Ryu; Writer: Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko (2012-04-28). "The Voice in The Night". The Legend of Korra. Season 1. Episode 4 |transcripturl= missing title (help). Nickelodeon.
  26. Director: Joaquim Dos Santos, Ki Hyun Ryu; Writer: Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko (2012-05-19). "The Aftermath". The Legend of Korra. Season 1. Episode 7 |transcripturl= missing title (help). Nickelodeon.
  27. Director: Joaquim Dos Santos, Ki Hyun Ryu; Writer: Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko (2012-06-23). /episodes.php?num=112 "Endgame". The Legend of Korra. Season 1. Episode 12 |transcripturl= missing title (help). Nickelodeon.
  28. Patches, Matt (July 13, 2012). "Comic-Con 2012: 'Legend of Korra' Panel Reveals Book 2: Spirit Details". Hollywood.
  29. Director: Melchior Zwyer; Writer: Tim Hedrick (2014-06-27). "A Breath of Fresh Air". The Legend of Korra. Season 3. Episode 1 |transcripturl= missing title (help). Nickelodeon.
  30. Director: Ian Graham; Writer: Michael Dante DiMartino (2014-10-10). "Korra Alone". The Legend of Korra. Season 4. Episode 2 |transcripturl= missing title (help). Nickelodeon.
  31. Director: Ian Graham; Writer: Joshua Hamilton (2014-10-31). "Enemy at the Gates". The Legend of Korra. Season 4. Episode 5 |transcripturl= missing title (help). Nickelodeon.
  32. Director: Colin Heck; Writer: Michael Dante DiMartino (2014-11-14). "Reunion". The Legend of Korra. Season 4. Episode 7 |transcripturl= missing title (help). Nickelodeon.
  33. Sava, Oliver (26 December 2014). "Creators have confirmed that Korra and Asami are in a relationship through their respective tumblr blogs". The A.V. Club. Retrieved 26 December 2014.
  34. Karlin, Lily. "'Legend Of Korra' Creators Confirm Korra and Asami Are A Couple". The Huffington Post. Retrieved 2 January 2015.
  35. Fitzpatrick, Kevin (March 4, 2015). "‘Legend of Korra’ Creator Reveals Official Korrasami Art, You Gotta Deal With It".
  36. Harding, Xavier. "‘Legend Of Korra’ Korrasami: Konietzko Reveals Official Korrasami Artwork, Gallery Exhibit Profits To Go Towards LBGTQ Suicide Prevention". iDigitialTimes.
  37. "Appreciating Asami Sato". July 2014.
  38. "Some Industrialist Engineer Inventors run off with Avatars". Retrieved 4 January 2015.
  39. Greensburg, Raz (July 4, 2012). "Strange Horizons Reviews: The Legend of Korra, Season 1".
  40. "Forgiveness Isn't Easy: Asami and Hiroshi in Book Four".
  41. "Asami Sato: Not just a Background Character".
  42. Edwards, Tyler (September 19, 2014). "The Legend of Korra and Mixed Message Feminism". The Artifice.
  43. Nicholson, Max (April 28, 2012). "The Legend of Korra: "The Voice in the Night" Review". IGN.
  44. Tatum, Erin (September 19, 2013). "Why 'The Legend of Korra' is (Still) a Feminist's Headache". Bitch Flicks.
  45. Cranz, Alex (July 10, 2012). "Why The Hate For Legend of Korra's Mako".
  46. Krell, Jason (December 4, 2013). "13 Ways to Make Legend of Korra's Third Season Amazing".
  47. Kirkpatrick, Noel (December 19, 2014). "The Legend of Korra Series Finale Review: New Beginnings".
  48. Nicholson, Max (May 19, 2012). "The Legend of Korra: "The Aftermath" Review". IGN.
  49. Nicholson, Max (December 19, 2014). "The Legend of Korra: "Day of the Colossus" Review". IGN.
  50. Sava, Olivia (December 19, 2014). "The Legend Of Korra: "Day Of The Colossus"/"The Last Stand"". The A.V. Club.
  51. Rivera, Joshua (December 20, 2014). "'The Legend of Korra' series finale recap: Ending on its own terms". Entertainment Weekly.
  52. Farokhmanesh, Megan (23 December 2014). "The Legend of Korra achieved more in under a minute than most shows do in their lifetime". Polygon. Retrieved 23 December 2014.
  53. Mateo, Ivan (February 2, 2015). "Korra leaves a lasting legacy of love and equality". The Poly Post.
  54. Burnett, E. Steven (10 March 2015). "Korrasami Bends ‘The Legend of Korra’ In All The Wrong Ways". Christ & Pop Culture. Retrieved 8 April 2015.
  55. Davis, Lauren (August 9, 2014). "Legend Of Korra Reminds Us Why Korra And Asami Make Such A Great Team".
  56. "The Legend Of Korra: "Korra Alone"". A.V. Club. October 10, 2014.
  57. Scarlet, Dr. Janina (6 January 2015). "The Psychology of Inspirational Women: Korra". The Mary Sue.
  58. "Legend of Korra Reunites Korra and Asami - And We Still Ship Them". November 5, 2014.
  59. Nicholson, Max (August 29, 2014). "THE LEGEND OF KORRA: BOOK THREE REVIEW".
  60. Kahn, Julie (August 29, 2014). "The Uncertainty Of Change: A Closer Look At The ‘Legend of Korra’ Book 3 Finale". ComicsAlliance.
  61. Morgan, Joe (December 19, 2014). "Did Nickelodeon's Legend of Korra just confirm a lesbian love story?". Gay Star News.
  62. "‘The Legend of Korra’ Defines What it Means to Be a Hero". December 19, 2014.
  63. "Emertainment Monthly’s Top Ten Episodes of ‘The Legend of Korra’". Entertainment Monthly. February 28, 2015.

External links