Article 301 (Turkish Penal Code)

Demonstration against Article 301 in front of the Turkish Embassy in Germany.

Article 301 is a controversial article of the Turkish Penal Code making it illegal to insult Turkey, the Turkish nation, or Turkish government institutions. It took effect on June 1, 2005, and was introduced as part of a package of penal-law reform in the process preceding the opening of negotiations for Turkish membership of the European Union (EU), in order to bring Turkey up to the Union standards.[1][2] The original version of the article made it a crime to "insult Turkishness"; on April 30, 2008, the article was amended to change "Turkishness" into "the Turkish nation". Since this article became law, charges have been brought in more than 60 cases, some of which are high-profile.[3] The Great Jurists Union (Turkish: Büyük Hukukçular Birliği) headed by Kemal Kerinçsiz, a Turkish lawyer, is "behind nearly all of Article 301 trials".[4] Kerinçsiz himself is responsible for forty of the trials,[5] including the high-profile ones. In August 2013, he was sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment for his role in the Ergenekon organisation.

On April 30, 2008 a series of changes were made on the Article 301, including a new amendment which makes it obligatory to get the approval of the minister of justice to file a case.[6] This change was made to prevent the possible misuse of the article, especially against high-profile cases, filling up the legal holes of the older version.[7]

What was covered by Article 301

Before amendments were made to Article 301 on April 30, 2008, the article stated the following:[8]

  1. A person who publicly denigrates Turkishness, the Republic or the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, shall be punishable by imprisonment of between six months and three years.
  2. A person who publicly denigrates the Government of the Republic of Turkey, the judicial institutions of the State, the military or security organizations shall be punishable by imprisonment of between six months and two years.
  3. In cases where denigration of Turkishness is committed by a Turkish citizen in another country the punishment shall be increased by one third.
  4. Expressions of thought intended to criticize shall not constitute a crime.

High-profile cases

Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk was brought to trial regarding statements about the Armenian Genocide.

Article 301 has been used to bring charges against writer Orhan Pamuk for stating, in an interview with Swiss magazine Das Magazin, a weekly supplement to a number of Swiss daily newspapers, including the Tages-Anzeiger, that "Thirty thousand Kurds have been killed here, and a million Armenians. And almost nobody dares to mention that. So I do."[9] The charges, which were brought against Pamuk upon a complaint filed by Kemal Kerinçsiz,[10] were later dropped after the Justice Ministry refused to issue a ruling as to whether the charges should stand.[11]

In February 2006 the trial opened against five journalists charged with insulting the judicial institutions of the State under Article 301, and also of aiming to prejudice a court case under Article 288 of the Turkish Penal Code.[12] Each of the five had criticized a court order to shut down a conference in Istanbul about the Ottoman Armenian casualties in the Ottoman Empire during the First World War. (The conference was nevertheless eventually held after having been transferred from a state university to a private university.[13]) The charges carried a potential penalty of a prison term of up to 10 years. The court dropped the charges against four of them on April 11, 2006 when it was determined that the time allowed by the statute of limitation had been exceeded,[14] while Murat Belge, the fifth, was acquitted on June 8, 2006.[15]

Another high-profile case to result from this legislation involved the writer and journalist Perihan Mağden, who was prosecuted for penning an article originally published in the December 26, 2005 issue of Yeni Aktuel, titled "Conscientious Objection is a Human Right".[16] The Turkish military filed a complaint against her in response.[17] In the trial, which took place on July 27, 2006, she was acquitted when the court ruled that her opinions were covered by the freedom of expression and were not a crime under the Turkish Penal Code.[18] If convicted she could have faced three years' imprisonment.

In July 2006 the Istanbul public prosecutor's office prepared an indictment alleging that the statements in the book Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman constituted a breach of the article.[19] The publisher and editors of the Turkish translation, as well as the translator, were brought to trial accordingly, but acquitted in December 2006.[20]

In 2006 Elif Şafak also faced charges of "insulting Turkishness" because of her latest novel, The Bastard of Istanbul.[3] The case was thrown out by the judge after a demand by the prosecutor for the case to be dropped.[21]

In 2006, the well-known Armenian-Turkish journalist Hrant Dink was prosecuted under the Article 301 for insulting Turkishness, and received a six-month suspended sentence. He was subsequently assassinated by radical nationalists. Orhan Pamuk declared, "In a sense, we are all responsible for his death. However, at the very forefront of this responsibility are those who still defend article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code. Those who campaigned against him, those who portrayed this sibling of ours as an enemy of Turkey, those who painted him as a target, they are the most responsible in this."[22] Hrant Dink was posthumously acquitted of the charges on June 14, 2007, in a retrial ordered by the Court of Appeals.[23]

Publisher Ragıp Zarakolu is on trial under Article 301 as well as for “insulting the legacy of Atatürk” under Law 5816.[24]

In 2007, Arat Dink (Hrant Dink's son) and Serkis Seropyan were convicted to one-year suspended sentences under Article 301 for printing Dink's words that the killings of Armenians in 1915 was a genocide.[25] (See Armenian Genocide.)

In 2008, Rahîm Er, a daily columnist of conservative democrat Turkiye daily newspaper was convicted under Article 301 for criticising the Court of Cassation of Turkey. Er was criticising the Court of Cassation due to the length of the trials, its heavy backlog, and the hidden resistance to the establishment of regional courts of appeals in Turkey. He was charged with insulting an institution of the Republic of Turkey by chief public prosecutor's office in Bakırköy. This prosecution was stroke out by the dismissal of Mehmet Ali Şahin, then the minister of justice.

Other high-profile incidents

In December 2005 Joost Lagendijk, a member of the Dutch GreenLeft party and the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs, chairman of the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee, and a staunch supporter of Turkish EU membership, visited Turkey to attend the trial against Orhan Pamuk. In his speech he commented on the Şemdinli incident and criticized the Turkish military for seeking to maintain its political influence through the continuous guerrilla war with the PKK.[2] Greater Jurists Union (Turkish: Büyük Hukukçular Birliği), the same group that filed a complaint against Orhan Pamuk, filed charges against Joost Lagendijk for violating Article 301 by insulting the Turkish army. The prosecutor, however, declined to prosecute, referring to the Turkish constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights, as well as a judgement by the European Court of Human Rights concerning the interpretation of that Convention.[26]

Members of the Strong Turkey Party organized a campaign of civil disobedience against the article called Try me too 301 (Turkish: Beni de yargıla 301). 301 members of the party knowingly violated the article 301 and filed complaints against themselves. The prosecutor refused to file charges.

Criticism and impact of the article

In its short life the article has been heavily criticized, both in Turkey and outside.[27] A criticism heard in Turkey, and also voiced by some outside, is that it has turned into a tool of the nationalist "old guard", who, so is claimed, use it to press charges against people of international renown, not to stifle dissenting opinions but with the aim of thwarting the admission process to the EU.[2][28][29] Novelist Elif Şafak claims the Article has a chilling effect on free expression, notwithstanding its fourth clause.[30] It is too early to tell how this is going to be interpreted in cassation (last-instance review) by the Court of Appeals. Turkey accepts the European Court of Human Rights' decisions as overriding higher court decision, and ratified international treaties as overriding national law.

Amnesty International claims that "Article 301 poses a direct threat to freedom of expression, as enshrined in Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and in Article 10 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR)."[8]

Current status

Following the murder of Hrant Dink, Turkish deputy prime minister and foreign minister Abdullah Gül declared, "With its current state, there are certain problems with article 301. We see now that there are changes which must be made to this law."[31]

On April 30, 2008, article 301 was amended by the Parliament of Turkey, with the following changes:[32]

Permission was refused by the justice ministry in the July 2008 case against İbrahim Tığ, the editor of the daily Bölge Haber.[33][34] The governor of Zonguldak filed a complaint citing "open denigration of the government" (“T.C. Hükümetini Alenen Aşağılamak”) after Tığ wrote a column accusing the ruling Justice and Development Party of selling the country's assets though privatization.[35] As of July 2008, six of the seven 301 cases that have been considered by the ministry were rejected for prosecution.[33]

According to the Turkish legal system, international conventions on human rights automatically become part of the national legal order without additional transposition once they are ratified by the Parliament. International human rights instruments to which Turkey is party have to be taken into consideration by judges and prosecutors.[36] Therefore, prosecutors are strongly encouraged to directly apply the landmark decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and particularly the Handyside v United Kingdom case. Furthermore, the statement of the suspect cannot be taken before the permission of the Minister of Justice in order not to discredit the suspect in the eyes of the public.

In 2011, the European Court of Human Rights decided that "the scope of the terms under Article 301 of the Criminal Code, as interpreted by the judiciary, is too wide and vague and thus the provision constitutes a continuing threat to the exercise of the right to freedom of expression" and "that Article 301 of the Criminal Code does not meet the “quality of law” required by the Court’s settled case-law, since its unacceptably broad terms result in a lack of foreseeability as to its effects",[37] finding a violation of freedom of expression (Article 10 of ECHR) in the investigation against Mr Altuğ Taner Akçam, a historian writing about the Armenian genocide. Concerning the 2008 amendments, ECtHR noted that "despite the replacement of the term “Turkishness” by “the Turkish Nation”, there seems to be no change or major difference in the interpretation of these concepts because they have been understood in the same manner by the Court of Cassation" (Para. 92).

See also


  1. "Turkey's new penal code touches raw nerves," EurActiv June 2, 2005, updated November 14, 2005.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Leicht, Justus (2006-02-06). "Turkey: Court drops prosecution of writer Orhan Pamuk". World Socialist Web site. ICFI. Archived from the original on 25 July 2008. Retrieved 2008-07-29.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Lea, Richard. "In Istanbul, a writer awaits her day in court", The Guardian, July 24, 2006.
  4. In Turkey, ultra-nationalist lawyer wins supporters as enthusiasm for the EU falls (2006-09-06), from Associated Press via International Herald Tribune
  5. Rainsford, Sarah (2006-09-21). "Turkish novelist case collapses". BBC News. Archived from the original on 13 August 2008. Retrieved 2008-07-01.
  6. CafeSiyaset: 301 yeni hali ile yürürlüğe girdi ("New version of Article 301 takes effect") (Turkish)
  7. "Turkey: Update on Campaign to Abolish Article 301 - English Pen". Writers in Prison Committee Bulletin. English Pen. 2008-02-21. Retrieved 2008-07-29.
  8. 8.0 8.1 "Turkey: Article 301 is a threat to freedom of expression and must be repealed now!," Amnesty International Public Statement December 1, 2005
  9. Peuwsen, Peer (2005-02-05). "Der meistgehasste Türke". Das Magazin (in German) (Tages Anzeiger). Man hat hier 30 000 Kurden umgebracht. Und eine Million Armenier. Und fast niemand traut sich, das zu erwähnen. Also mache ich es.
  10. Rainsford, Sarah (2005-12-14). "Author's trial set to test Turkey". BBC.
  11. "Court drops Turkish writer's case". BBC. 2006-01-23.
  12. "Writer Hrant Dink acquitted; trials against other journalists continue". IFEX. February 9, 2006.
  13. Robert Mahoney. "Turkey: Nationalism and the Press". CPJ March 16, 2006.
  14. "Trials against writers, journalists and publishers continue under Article 301". IFEX. May 4, 2006.
  15. "Court Dismisses Charges Against Belge". IFEX. June 9, 2006.
  16. Magden, Perihan (2006-06-07). "Vicdani Red Bir İnsan Hakkıdır". bianet (in Turkish).
  17. Pamuk, Orhan (2006-06-03). "A question of conscience". The Guardian. Archived from the original on 2006-06-03. |chapter= ignored (help)
  18. "Turk court acquits author over remarks on military". Washington Post. Reuters. 2006-07-26. Retrieved 2008-07-11.
  19. "Noam Chomsky'nin kitabına 'Türklüğü aşağılamak'tan dava" Milliyet Online, July 4, 2006, accessed July 4, 2006.
  20. Turks acquitted over Chomsky book, BBC News, December 20, 2006.
  21. "Judge throws out charges against Turkish novelist ", The Guardian, September 22, 2006.
  22. "Orhan Pamuk: We are all responsible for Dink's death". Hürriyet. 2007-01-21. Retrieved 2007-01-22..
  23. "Hrant Dink finally acquitted". Today's Zaman. 2007-06-15. Retrieved 2007-06-15.
  24. Önderoğlu, Erol (2006-04-20). "Endless Trials of Publisher Zarakolu". Bianet. Retrieved 2008-07-01.
  25. Pair guilty of 'insulting Turkey', BBC News, October 11, 2007.
  26. Vrijheid van meningsuiting reden Lagendijk niet te vervolgen ("Freedom of expression ground not to prosecute Lagendijk") February 8, 2006 (Dutch)
  27. Davis, Terry (2008-03-31). "Modernity must be protected through modern means". Turkish Daily News. Archived from the original on 2008-07-11.
  28. Dumanlı, Ekrem (2005-12-29). "If it continues this way, we won't have any 'friends' left". Today's Zaman. Retrieved 2008-07-11.
  29. Edemariam, Aida. Wrestling the Turk's dual spirits. April 15, 2006, The Age
  30. "Europe Launches Criticism of Law Targeting Journalists in Turkey; Media Victory in High-Profile Terror Case", CNN. November 10, 2006
  31. "FM Gul: Changes must be made to article 301". Hürriyet. 2007-01-25. Retrieved 2007-01-28.
  32. "EU welcomes 301 amendment but calls for more". Today's Zaman. 2008-04-30. Archived from the original on 2 May 2008. Retrieved 2008-05-01.
  33. 33.0 33.1 Önderoglu, Erol (2008-07-10). "Justice Ministry Refuses Article 301 Case". Bianet. Retrieved 2008-07-11.
  34. "Gazetemiz Yazıişleri Müdürü Tığ’i Valilik Şikayet Etti, Bakanlık 'Dur' Dedi". Devrek Bölge Haber (in Turkish). 2008-07-06. Retrieved 2008-07-12.
  35. Tığ, İbrahim (2008-03-14). "İşte Vatanı ve Mallarını Satanlar". Devrek Bölge Haber (in Turkish). Retrieved 2008-07-12.
  36. "The Constitution of the Republic of Turkey". Article 90. International agreements duly put into effect bear the force of law. ... In the case of a conflict between international agreements in the area of fundamental rights and freedoms duly put into effect and the domestic laws due to differences in provisions on the same matter, the provisions of international agreements shall prevail.
  37. ECtHR judgment of 25/10/2011 on application No. 27520/07 Para. 93, 95

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