Arthur Neslen

Arthur Neslen is a British-born journalist and author of two books about identity in the Middle East. Occupied Minds: A Journey Through the Israeli Psyche[1] was published by Pluto Press in 2006 and In Your Eyes A Sandstorm: Ways of Being Palestinian[2] was published by University of California Press in October, 2011. He is also the author of the booklet Gaza: Dignity Under Siege[3] which was published by CIDSE (International Co-operation for Development and Solidarity) in 2009. All three are collections of interviews and photographs.

Neslen began his career at the City Limits magazine and worked as the international editor of for Red Pepper and as a broadcast journalist for the BBC. He has written about the Middle East for The Guardian,[4] The Observer, Haaretz, Jane's Information Group and as a correspondent for the websites of The Economist and al-Jazeera (where he was the only Jewish staff member).[5]


  1. Neslen, Arthur Occupied Minds: A Journey Through the Israeli Psyche, January 2006, Pluto Press, ISBN 978-0-7453-2365-7
  2. Neslen, Arthur In Your Eyes A Sandstorm: Ways of Being Palestinian], October 2011, University of California Press, ISBN 978-0-520-26427-4
  3. Gaza: Dignity Under Siege
  4. Neslen, Arthur (18 March 2008). "Profile". London: The Guardian. Retrieved 27 May 2011.
  5. Cartwright, Jill (7 July 2006). "Anti-Zionist, pro-Israeli". Haaretz. Retrieved 27 May 2011.

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