Arthur Lupia

Arthur Lupia is an American political scientist. He is the Hal R. Varian Professor of Political Science at the University of Michigan and Chair of the Social, Economic, and Political Sciences Section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Lupia received a B.A. degree in economics from the University of Rochester and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in social science from the California Institute of Technology.

He examines how information and institutions affect policy and politics. Much of his work focuses on how people make decisions when they lack information. His work is inter-disciplinary. It provides insights on voting, civic competence, political persuasion, legislative-bureaucratic relations, parliamentary governance, and political communication, and the public value of the social sciences.,[1]

He has received several awards including the 2007 Innovators Award from the American Association for Public Opinion Research [2] and 1998 NAS Award for Initiatives in Research from the National Academy of Sciences.[3] He has received a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship and a year at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.[4] He is an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

He has held many scientific leadership positions. As a founder of TESS (Time-shared Experiments for the Social Sciences), he helped hundreds of researchers run innovative experiments using nationally-distributed subject pools. As a contributor and then as Principal Investigator to the National Science Foundation's EITM (Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models) program, he helped to develop curricula that show young scholars how to better integrate advanced empirical and theoretical methods into effective research agendas. As a Principal Investigator of the ANES (American National Election Studies), he introduced many procedural, methodological, and content innovations to one of the world's best-known scientific studies of elections. He has also introduced multiple innovations to the field of science communication and serves on communication-related advisory boards for the National Academy of Sciences and other organizations.

Selected publications


Arthur Lupia and Mathew D. McCubbins. 1998. The Democratic Dilemma: Can Citizens Learn What They Need to Know? New York: Cambridge University Press.

Arthur Lupia, Mathew D. McCubbins, and Samuel L. Popkin (eds.). 2000. Elements of Reason: Cognition, Choice, and the Bounds of Rationality. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Elisabeth R. Gerber, Arthur Lupia, Mathew D. McCubbins, and D. Roderick Kiewiet. 2001. Stealing the Initiative: How State Government Responds to Direct Democracy. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

James N. Druckman, Donald P. Green, James H. Kuklinski, and Arthur Lupia (eds.). 2011. Cambridge Handbook of Experimental Political Science. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-17455-8.

Articles on Voting and Individual Behavior

Arthur Lupia. 1992. “Busy Voters, Agenda Control, and the Power of Information.” American Political Science Review 86: 390-403.

Arthur Lupia. 1994. “Shortcuts versus Encyclopedias: Information and Voting Behavior in California Insurance Reform Elections.” American Political Science Review 88: 63-76.

James N. Druckman and Arthur Lupia. 2000. "Preference Formation." Annual Review of Political Science 3: 1 - 24.

Gregory L. Bovitz, James N. Druckman and Arthur Lupia. 2002. "When Can a News Organization Lead Public Opinion? Ideology versus Market Forces in Decisions to Make News." Public Choice 113: 127-155.

Arthur Lupia. 2002. “Deliberation Disconnected: What it Takes to Improve Civic Competence.” Law and Contemporary Problems 65: 133-150.

Arthur Lupia and Gisela Sin. 2003. “Which Public Goods are Endangered? How Evolving Communication Technologies Affect The Logic of Collective Action.” Public Choice 117: 315-331.

Arthur Lupia and Tasha S. Philpot. 2005. “Views From Inside the Net: How Websites Affect Young Adults’ Political Interest” The Journal of Politics 67:1122-1142.

James N. Druckman, Donald P. Green, James H. Kuklinski, and Arthur Lupia. 2006. “The Growth and Development of Experimental political science|Experimental Research in the American Political Science Review.” American Political Science Review 100: 627-636.

Arthur Lupia. 2006. "How Elitism Undermines the Study of Voter Competence." Critical Review 18: 217-232.

Markus Prior and Arthur Lupia. 2008. “Money, Time, and Political Knowledge: Distinguishing Quick Recall from Political Learning Skills.” American Journal of Political Science 52: 168-182.

Arthur Lupia and Jesse O. Menning. 2009. “When Can Politicians Scare Citizens Into Supporting Bad Policies?” American Journal of Political Science 53: 90-106.

Articles on Legislative Processes

Arthur Lupia and Mathew D. McCubbins. 1994. “Learning From Oversight: Fire Alarms and Police Patrols Reconstructed.” Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 10: 96-125.

Arthur Lupia and Mathew D. McCubbins. 1994. “Designing Bureaucratic Accountability.” Law and Contemporary Problems 57: 91-126.

Arthur Lupia and Mathew D. McCubbins. 1994. “Who Controls? Information and the Structure of Legislative Decision Making.” Legislative Studies Quarterly, 19: 361-384.

Arthur Lupia and Kaare Strøm. 1995. “Coalition Termination and the Strategic Timing of Parliamentary Elections.” American Political Science Review 89: 648-665.

Elisabeth R. Gerber and Arthur Lupia. 1995. “Campaign Competition and Policy Responsiveness in Direct Legislation Elections.” Political Behavior 17: 287-306.

Arthur Lupia and Mathew D. McCubbins. 2000. "Representation or Abdication? How Citizens Use Institutions to Help Delegation Succeed." European Journal of Political Research 37: 291 - 307

John D. Huber and Arthur Lupia. 2001. "Cabinet Instability and Delegation in Parliamentary Democracies." American Journal of Political Science 45: 18-32.

Arthur Lupia and John G. Matsusaka. 2004. “Direct Democracy: New Approaches to Old Questions.” Annual Review of Political Science 7: 463-482.

Elisabeth R. Gerber, Arthur Lupia and Mathew D. McCubbins. 2004. “When Does Government Limit the Impact of Voter Initiatives? The Politics of Implementation and Enforcement.” The Journal of Politics 66: 43-68.


  1. Arthur Lupia. 2000. "Evaluating Political Science Research: Information for Buyers and Sellers." PS: Political Science and Politics 33: 7-13.
  2. "Innovators Award: Lupia and Mutz" Public Opinion Quarterly 71(3):488
  3. NAS Award for Initiatives in Research
  4. Fellows of AAAS - 2003

External links

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