
Symbol of Artgemeinschaft.

The Artgemeinschaft Germanische Glaubens-Gemeinschaft (AG GGG) is a German Neopagan and Neo-Nazi organization,[1] founded in 1951 by the former member of the SS Wilhelm Kusserow. In 1983 it merged with the Nordungen (founded 1924).

One of the basic tenets of Artgemeinschaft (loosely translated as "racial community") is the Artglaube ("racial belief").

Artgemeinschaft mixes far-right ideology with Nordic and Teutonic religions such as Ásatrú but also atheism.[2] Also in the 60s some theosophic and so called ariosophic aspects were added.

The weltanschauung is xenophobic and antisemitic.[2] In contrast to other pagan organisations neither Guido von List nor Lanz von Liebenfels plays any role.[3]

Important in their beliefs are theses by Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Eduard v. Hartmann and Feuerbach in order to attack Christian moral and to replace it with a pagan one. According to Fromm, belief in Gods is not an important momentum for the Artgemeinschaft.[4]

Membership of the Artgemeinschaft is limited to people of "Nordic-Faelic" ancestry.

The AG GGG used to consider itself the successor of prominent painter and Nazi critic Ludwig Fahrenkrog's Germanische Glaubens-Gemeinschaft, but after reactivation of the latter in 1991, and a 1993 court decision, this claim was rejected.

The AG GGG publishes the völkisch Nordische Zeitung.


  1. Ryan, Nick (2004). Into a World of Hate: A Journey Among the Extreme Right. Routledge. ISBN 0-415-94922-X.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Article by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in North Rhine-Westphalia (German)
  3. Rainer Fromm: Brennpunkt Esoterik published by the Hamburg Office for inner affairs
  4. Rainer Fromm: Brennpunkt Esoterik published by the Hamburg Office for inner affairs, page 180

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