Artemy Lebedev

Artemy Lebedev in Krasnoyarsk

Artemy Lebedev (born 13 February 1975 in Moscow) is a Russian designer and businessman. He is the founder of the design company Art. Lebedev Studio.[1][2] Artemy is considered to be one of the most famous and successful web designers on Russian Web. He is also an avid blogger,[3] known for his rather provocative views and frequent usage of obscene language.[4]

He spent 1 year studying in Parkville High School, after returning to Moscow, he enrolled at Moscow State University, but dropped out during his second year. He spent the following years working for a few design studios until 1995 when he founded his own company Art. Lebedev Studio, which is known outside of Russia for creating products like Optimus Maximus keyboard.

Artemy Lebedev is a keen traveler. In the last decade he has visited more than 250 countries and territories,[5] aiming to become one of the few people that have been to every country in the world.
