Armin Laschet

Armin Laschet

Armin Laschet (born 18 February 1961) is a German politician.

Laschet was born in Aachen-Burtscheid. He has three children, Julius, Eva and Johannes Laschet, and is married with Susanne Laschet. He attended Pius-Gymnasium in Aachen and studied law at the universities of Bonn and Munich. In Munich he became a member of K.D.St.V. Aenania München, a catholic student fraternity that is member of the Cartellverband. From 1999 until 2005 he was a Member of the European Parliament for North Rhine-Westphalia. He is a member of the conservative Christian Democratic Union, part of the European People's Party.

As Former German minister for integration he signed the Soros' open letter calling for more Europe in the single currency turmoil.[1]

2005 - 2010 he served as Minister (Minister für Generationen, Familie, Frauen und Integration, nicknamed „Generationenminister“) under Jürgen Rüttgers in North Rhine-Westphalia.

He currently serves as state MP in the Landtag of North Rhine-Westphalia, he heads his party's parliamentary group there and also chairs CDU's state chapter (Landesverband).


  1. "As concerned Europeans we urge Eurozone leaders to unite", retrieved on 1 February 2012.

External links

Media related to Armin Laschet at Wikimedia Commons