Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry

Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (founded in 1999) is a not-for-profit organization[1] with a mission to assist every ethnic Armenian struck with a life-threatening blood disease, such as leukemia, to be able to find a timely donor within a pool of closely related DNA pool of individuals.

The organization was founded by several individuals residing in the United States of Ameriaca and the former first lady of the Republic of Armenia. The donors are recruited form countries such as Armenia, United States of America (primarily Los Angeles, California), Nagorno Karabakh Republic and many other countries.[2]

In 2003 the organization has successfully matched a donor to a patient and since has been successfully helping patients not only of Armenian descent, but from countries around the world such as Italy and Greece.

The former first lady of the Republic of Armenia, Bella Kocharyan, is the Honorary Chair and one of the co-founders.[3]
