Aristobulus of Chalcis

Aristobulus of Chalcis (Greek: Ἀριστόβουλος) was a son of Herod of Chalcis and his first wife Mariamne. Herod of Chalcis was a grandson of Herod the Great through his father, Aristobulus IV. Mariamne was a granddaughter of Herod the Great through her mother, Olympias; hence Aristobulus was a great-grandson of Herod the Great on both sides of his family.


Upon the death of his father in 48 AD, the emperor Claudius gave the kingdom of Chalcis to Aristobulus' first cousin, Herod Agrippa II. When Agrippa was given the territories previously governed by Philip and Lysanias in 52 AD, Aristobulus was given Chalcis.[1]

In 55 AD, he was appointed by Nero as King of Armenia Minor, and participated with his forces in the Roman-Parthian War of 58–63, where he received a small portion of Armenia in exchange.[2] In 73 AD he appears to have joined with the proconsul of Syria in a war against Antiochus of Commogene.[1]

He was married to Salome after the death of her first husband, Herod Philip II. With her Aristobulus had three sons: Herod, Agrippa, and Aristobulus[3] Three coins with portraits of him and Salome have been found.

The name "Salome" is given to the stepdaughter of Herod Antipas (unnamed in the Gospels of Matthew and Mark) in Josephus's Jewish Antiquities (Book XVIII, Chapter 5, 4).


Further Reading

Aristobulus of Chalcis
House of Herod
New title King of Armenia Minor
55 72
Annexed by Rome
Title last held by
Agrippa II
Tetrarch of Chalcis
57 92
Title extinct