Arianna Dagnino

Arianna Dagnino (born 1963, in Genoa) is an Italian and naturalized Australian writer, journalist, translator and researcher presently based in Vancouver, Canada. She is currently Adjunct Professor of Italian Studies at the University of British Columbia. She holds a PhD in Sociology and Comparative Literature (with a special focus on Transcultural Studies, Creative Writing and World Literature) from the University of South Australia and a Master's Degree in Foreign Contemporary Languages and Literatures from the Università degli Studi di Genova. With her books and articles she has contributed to the discussion on the socio-cultural effects of economic globalization, mobility and digital technologies.

Drawing on French sociologist Michel Maffesoli's conceptualization of postmodern forms of wandering, blurring of borders and fluidity of social belongings, in her essay I Nuovi Nomadi (New Nomads, 1996) she contributed to the definition of the concept of neonomadismo (neonomadism or global nomadism). The neologism stands for the new existential approach and the new deterritorialized, itinerant life-style of knowledge workers. I Nuovi Nomadi has been introduced as a reference text book in several Italian universities; among them, Università della Sapienza in Rome and Università Statale in Milan.

Starting from her initial theorization on "global nomadism" and after a series of transnational studies and experiences, more recently Dagnino has focused her research and writing activities on the theoretical approaches of transculture, transculturality and transculturalism applied to a socio-literary context and to creative and performative practices. More specifically, the relationship between creative writing, transculturalism/transculturality and transcultural fiction (Mikhail Epstein, Wolfgang Welsch) is the field of research in which she has been involved with her PhD program at the University of South Australia (UniSA) and with her book "Transcultural Writers and Novels in the Age of Global Mobility" (Purdue University Press).

Her first novel, Fossili, is a transcultural odyssey that blends history, scientific research and adventure in a plot set between Johannesburg, Cape Town, the Kalahari Desert in Namibia and the island of Zanzibar. It was published in Italy in June 2010 by Fazi Editore (Roma).

She is currently conducting a study on transcultural practices using as a case study 21st century Argentine 'global tango'.[1]

Books – critical outputs



Books – Creative outputs

Chapters in Books and edited Collections

Academic Articles and Conference Proceedings

Conferences, Workshops and Seminars

Peer-reviewed: - Dagnino, Arianna. 2014. "Manifesto for a Transcultural Humanism," Beyond Crisis: Visions for the New Humanities. Inaugural Conference of the Centre for Humanities Innovation, July 7–8, Durham University. Link: - Dagnino, Arianna. 2014. "21st Century Transcultural Novels and Intercultural Reading Habits." 10th Annual Symposium: "Intercultural Research: Looking Back, Looking Forward." Centre for Intercultural Language Studies (CILS), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, May 9 . - Dagnino, Arianna. 2012. ‘Writing Across Cultural Borders: Transcultural Authors and Transcultural Novels in the Early 21st Century Literature of Global Mobility.’ Border Crossings Conference, Flinders University, December 10–12, Penneshaw, Kangaroo Island, Australia. Link: - Dagnino, Arianna. 2012. ‘Neonomadism and the Transcultural Turn in the Literature of Mobility.’ Digital Crossroads Conference, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, June 28–30. Link: - Dagnino, Arianna. 2011. ‘Comparative Literary Studies in the Twenty-First Century: Towards a Transcultural Perspective?’ CSAA 2011 Annual Conference, Cultural ReOrientations and Comparative Colonialities, Adelaide, University of South Australia, November 22–24. Link: - Dagnino, Arianna. 2011. ‘The Mutant Home in Neonomadic Times.’ A Contribution to the architecture workshop ‘Home Mutant Home’ held by architect Oliviero Godi at the Politecnico of Milan, Italy, August 1–7.

Non peer-reviewed:

- Dagnino, Arianna. 2014. "Global tango, transculturality and social agency", Hispanic Seminar, Department of French, Hispanic and Italian Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, April 2. Link: - Dagnino Arianna. 2013. ‘Translingualism and Polyglossia in Transcultural Novels.’ Adelaide University Linguistics Research Colloquium Series, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia, April 11. Link: - Dagnino Arianna. 2013. ‘Transcultural Creative Non-Fiction in the 21st Century.’ CIL (Communication, International Studies and Languages) Seminar, May 31, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia. - Dagnino Arianna. 2012. ‘What Are Transcultural Novels?" CIL Seminar, November 23, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia. - Dagnino Arianna. 2012. ‘The Neonomadic Condition and the Transcultural Turn in the Literature of Mobility.’ CIL Seminar, June 8, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia. - Dagnino, A. 2011. ‘The Neo-nomadic Turn in the Age of Mobility: From Migrant/Postcolonial Literature to Transcultural Literature.’ RCLC (Research Centre for Languages and Cultures) Seminar, November 12, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.


  1. "Arianna Dagnino: Global Tango". The Queen's Journal. 2014. Retrieved 2014-06-20.

Michel Maffesoli:

Michel Maffesoli, Du Nomadisme:

Sabrina Brancato, "Transculturalità e Transculturalismo":

Mikhail Epstein, Transcultural Experiments: Russian and American Models of Creative Communication, New York: St. Martin's Press (Scholarly and Reference Division), 1999, "Chapter 1: From Culturology to Transculture":

External links

"Fossili" – Fazi Editore:

STIBC (Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia)

NAATI (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters),

“I Nuovi Nomadi”, free download:

Intervista su Nuok:

"Jesus Christ Cyberstar" – Google Books:

Interview in “Italians in fuga”:

Official website, "Nomads":

Homepage in the Italian version of Wikipedia:

Purdue University Press print monograph series of Books in Comparative Cultural Studies