Argentine order of precedence

The order of precedence in Argentina is a symbolic hierarchy of officials used to direct protocol. It is regulated by Presidential Decree 2072 of October 10, 1993,[1] signed by then President Carlos Menem, and former ministers Guido di Tella and Carlos Ruckauf.

The order of succession should the presidency unexpectedly become vacant is specified by Law 25716 of 2002.

Order of precedence

Precedence is determined by the office; names of incumbents as of 2013 are listed.

  1. President of the Nation (Cristina Fernández de Kirchner)
  2. Vice-president of the Nation (Amado Boudou)
  3. Provisional President of the Senate (Gerardo Zamora)
  4. President of the Chamber of Deputies (Julián Domínguez)
  5. President of the Supreme Court (Justice Ricardo Lorenzetti)
  6. Living former Presidents of the Nation in order of seniority
    1. María Estela Martínez de Perón
    2. Carlos Menem
    3. Fernando de la Rúa
    4. Adolfo Rodríguez Saá
    5. Eduardo Duhalde
  7. Provincial Governors and the Chief of Government of Buenos Aires
  8. Chief of Cabinet of Ministers (Jorge Capitanich)
  9. National Cabinet Ministers
  10. General Secretary for the Presidency of the Nation (Oscar Parrilli)
  11. Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces (Lt. Gen. (Air Force) Jorge Alberto Chevalier)
  12. Commanders of each armed force (Navy, Air Force and Army)
  13. Members of the Supreme Court
  14. General Prosecutor of the Nation (Alejandra Gils Carbó)
  15. National Prosecutor for Administrative Investigations (Guillermo Noailles)
  16. Secretaries at the Presidency of the Nation
  17. Chief of the Casa Militar
  18. Vice-presidents of both Congress chambers
  19. Provincial Vice-governors
  20. Argentine ambassadors in office abroad
  21. Cardinals
  22. President of the Argentine Episcopal Conference (Archbishop José María Arancedo)
  23. Archbishop of Buenos Aires (Mario Poli)
  24. Leader of each political party block at the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies
  25. Senators and Deputies
  26. Archbishops
  27. Vice-presidents of Provincial Senates and Chambers of Deputies
  28. Presidents of Provincial Supreme Courts
  29. Major Generals of the Army
  30. Rear Admirals - Upper Half
  31. Major Generals of the Air Force
  32. Argentine Ambassadors based in Argentina
  33. President of the National Criminal Court of Appeals (Judge Juan Carlos Rodríguez Basavilbaso)
  34. Presidents of National and Federal Courts of Appeals
  35. Bishops and their equivalents in other officially-recognised religions
  36. Secretaries at the National Congress
  37. Members of the National Court of Criminal Appeals
  38. Members of National and Federal Courts of Appeals
  39. Under-Secretaries of State
  40. Under-Secretary of Treasury
  41. Commander of the Argentine Federal Police (Commissioner-Major [Néstor Vallecca)
  42. Commander of the Argentine National Gendarmerie (Commandant-general Héctor Bernabé Schenone)
  43. Commander of the Argentine Naval Prefecture (Prefect Oscar Adolfo Arce)
  44. Brigade Generals of the Army
  45. Rear Admirals - Lower Half
  46. Brigade Generals of the Air Force
  47. Argentine Chargé d'affaires in office abroad
  48. Secretaries at the Supreme Court
  49. Federal and National Judges
  50. National Directors
  51. Chancellors of National Universities
  52. Presidents of National Academies
  53. President of the Central Bank of Argentina (Mercedes Marcó del Pont)
  54. President of the Banco de la Nación Argentina (Juan Carlos Fábregas)
  55. Presidents of state-owned companies (reparticiones autárquicas)
  56. Deputy Chancellors of National Universities
  57. General Directors
  58. Argentine Consuls in office abroad
  59. Argentine diplomatic Attachés in office abroad
  60. Director of the Argentine National Library (Horacio González)
  61. Director of National Museums
  62. Deans of National Faculties
  63. Presidents of National Professional Associations

Order of succession

The order of succession should the presidency unexpectedly become vacant is specified by Law 25716 of 2002:[2]

until Congress designates a president according to article 88 of the Constitution of Argentina.


  1. Protocolo Nacional - Decreto 2072/93 (National Protocol - Decree 2072/93) (Spanish)
  2. Ley de acefalía del Poder Ejecutivo Document covers law 20972 as modified by law 25716. (Spanish)