Archaeological Sites of Exceptional Importance

Archaeological Sites of Exceptional Importance (Serbian: Археолошка налазишта од изузетног значаjа/Arheološka nalazišta od izuzetnog značaja) are the archaeological sites in the Republic of Serbia that have the highest level of the State protection, and some of them are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The sites are part of the Cultural Heritage of Serbia protection list.

Photo Name Date Municipality/City Location, Address Note Ref(s)
Vinča-Belo Brdo Neolithic, Copper Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Medieval Grocka Vinča [1]
Viminacium Founded in 1st century AD.
Destroyed in 441.
Rebuilt 527–565.
Destroyed in 582.
Kostolac Kostolac [2]
Gamzigrad Built in 298 AD.
Destroyed in mid-5th century.
Zaječar Gamzigrad [3]
Justiniana Prima Existed 535-615 AD Lebane Prekopčelica [4]
Mediana - Brzi Brod Built in 306 AD.
Abandoned in 442.
Niš Niš
Bulevar Cara Konstantina bb
Trajan's Bridge Built in 105 AD.
Destroyed in 270–275.
Kladovo Kostol For more than a thousand years, it was the longest arch bridge in the world, in terms of both total and span length.[6] [7]
Diana Fortress Built in 101 AD.
Destroyed in mid-4th century.
Rebuilt in 530.
Kladovo Sip [8]
Kraku Lu Jordan Early Bronze Age-380 AD Kučevo Brodica [9]
Rudna Glava 5th millennium BC Majdanpek Rudna Glava [10]
Velika humka Last decade of 4th century BC, and first decade of 5th century BC Požega Pilatovići [11]
Židovar 9-8th century BC Vršac Orešac [12]
Starčevo site Older neolithic Pančevo Starčevo [13]
Bassianae 1st-6th century AD Ruma Donji Petrovci [14]
Gomolava Neolithic, Early Bronze Age, Iron Age Ruma Hrtkovci [15]
Sirmium 4th century BC-582 AD Sremska Mitrovica Sremska Mitrovica [16]
Titel plateau Neolithic, Early Bronze Age, Iron Age Titel Titel [17]
Čelarevo site End of 8th century, and beginning of 9th century Bačka Palanka Čelarevo [18]
Ulpiana 98 AD / 118 AD Lipljan Gračanica Located in disputed region of Kosovo[a] [19]

See also

Notes and references


a. ^ Kosovo is the subject of a territorial dispute between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Kosovo. The latter declared independence on 17 February 2008, but Serbia continues to claim it as part of its own sovereign territory. Kosovo's independence has been recognised by 108 out of 193 United Nations member states.


  1. Monuments of Culture in Serbia: Винча-Локалитет Бели Брег (SANU) (Serbian) (English)
  2. Monuments of Culture in Serbia: Виминациум (SANU) (Serbian) (English)
  3. Monuments of Culture in Serbia: Гамзиград (SANU) (Serbian) (English)
  4. Monuments of Culture in Serbia: Јустинијана Прима (SANU) (Serbian) (English)
  5. Monuments of Culture in Serbia: Медиана, Локалитет Брзи Брод (SANU) (Serbian) (English)
  6. In terms of overall length, the bridge seems to have been surpassed by another Roman bridge across the Danube, Constantine's Bridge, a little-known structure whose length is given with 2437 m (Tudor 1974b, p. 139; Galliazzo 1994, p. 319).
  7. Monuments of Culture in Serbia: Понтес (SANU) (Serbian) (English)
  8. Monuments of Culture in Serbia: Караташ (SANU) (Serbian) (English)
  9. Monuments of Culture in Serbia: Краку Лу Јордан (SANU) (Serbian) (English)
  10. Monuments of Culture in Serbia: Рудна Глава (SANU) (Serbian) (English)
  11. Monuments of Culture in Serbia: Велика Хумка (SANU) (Serbian) (English)
  12. Monuments of Culture in Serbia: Жидовар (SANU) (Serbian) (English)
  13. Monuments of Culture in Serbia: Град-Старчево (SANU) (Serbian) (English)
  14. Monuments of Culture in Serbia: Басијана (SANU) (Serbian) (English)
  15. Monuments of Culture in Serbia: Гомолава (SANU) (Serbian) (English)
  16. Monuments of Culture in Serbia: Сирмијум (SANU) (Serbian) (English)
  17. Monuments of Culture in Serbia: Тителски Плато (SANU) (Serbian) (English)
  18. Monuments of Culture in Serbia: Челарево (SANU) (Serbian) (English)
  19. Monuments of Culture in Serbia: Улпијана (SANU) (Serbian) (English)

Further reading