
Aquafin is a Flemish company, owned by the "Vlaamse Milieuholding", specialized in wastewater treatment and mainly active in Flanders. Luc Bossyns is the managing director of Aquafin.

The company was established in 1990 by the Flemish government. Its mission is to design, prefinance, build and operate all supra-municipal infrastructure needed to treat domestic wastewater. Nowadays, Aquafin manages 281 wastewater treatment plants, over 5.000 km of supra-municipal collectors and 1.394 pumping stations and detention basins. Aquafin also offers its services for the expansion and management of the local municipal system. A municipality may choose to have a long-term partnership by means of a concession or award contracts to Aquafin on an ad hoc basis. In addition, they can join the joint ventures that Aquafin has with the water companies water-link (rio-link), De Watergroep (RioAct and Rio-P) and Vivaqua.

Aquafin's subsidiary Aquaplus, focuses in Belgium on the operation of industrial watewater treatment plants. Internationally, Aquaplus offers technological assistance and conducts a wide range of studies. Abroad the company mostly operates through partners and joint ventures.


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