Antonio de Noli Academic Society

The Antonio de Noli Academic Society is an international, non-profit research organization founded in 2009 at Serra Riccò (Province of Genoa, Italy) by descendants of the Genoese navigator Antonio de Noli —the first discoverer of Cape Verde Islands and the first European Colonial Governor in Sub-Saharan Africa. The initiative was further supported in 2010 by the Embassy of the Republic of Cape Verde to Italy, and by the City Councils of Noli (Savona) and Serra Riccò (Genova). The aims of the international research society were based on an interdisciplinary scope of "biographical, geographic-historical, naval-historical, military-historical, archaeological, genealogical, social-anthropological, and sociological studies around the discoveries of Antonio de Noli – the Genoese navigator and discoverer of Cape Verde Islands - and the societies and institutions which ensued in the aftermath of the discoveries in which he participated".[1] The Antonio de Noli Academic Society was officially inaugurated in the City of Serra Riccò in June 2010 in a public ceremony[2] led by representatives of the Province of Genoa, the Ambassador of the Republic of Cape Verde to Italy Dr Jose Eduardo Barbosa, the Mayor of Serra Riccò, Dott. Andrea Torre, the founder and president of the society Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli, and the Cultural Adviser of Serra Riccò Tomaso Richini. The society organized its first international research-conference in the City of Noli, in the province of Savona, in September 2010. The event named "Da Noli a Capo Verde" ("From Noli to Cape Verde")[3] was sponsored by the Region of Liguria, the Municipality of Noli and the Cultural Foundation San Antonio, and was inaugurated by the Major of the city, Ambrogio Repetto.[4] The research findings presented at the 2010 Conference originated the publication of a book [Italian] with the same title edited by the Fondazione Culturale Sant'Antonio of the City of Noli and the academic society.[5] A version in English with the title Antonio de Noli and the beginning of the New World Discoveries was also published by the society.[6] The society publishes as well a Research Bulletin on-line [7] and maintains an on-line Archive with historical documents based on ancient manuscripts discovered by researchers at the society in Italy, the Republic of Cape Verde and Portugal (See Antonio de Noli). In 2012 the society's main location was moved to the City of Noli, in the province of Savona.

Past-presidents of the society have been author and researcher Alberto Peluffo,[8] formerly the Deputy Mayor of the City of Noli, and Dr. Lourenço Gomes, professor of history at the University of Cape Verde. At a meeting of the Board of Directors on the 5th of July 2012, the founder of the society Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli was "voted unanimously to be a Lifetime Honorary President of the Antonio de Noli Academic Society".[9]

The Board of Directors

Professor Trevor Hall Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins University), Historian (USA, Jamaica). Vice-President.

Ing. Luciano Marmi, Serra Riccò (Genoa).

Professor Lourenço Gomes Ph.D. (University of Cape Verde), Historian.

Dott. Andrea Torre (Genoa – Serra Riccò) Historian and Mayor of Serra Riccò, Province of Genoa.

Cap. Vasco Pires (Boston, USA), author. Vice-President.

Honorary Members of the Board:

Professor Corradino Astengo, Dott. (University of Genoa), professor of Cartography History at the University of Genoa. Formerly Member of the Board of Directors.

Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli

References and notes

  3. Marcel Balla, "Da Noli a Capo Verde - From Noli to Cape Verde". Research Bulletin of the Antonio de Noli Academic Society. Genoa, Italy, 2010. Vol. 2, Nr 7, p. 122-127
  5. Astengo C, Balla M., Brigati I., Ferrada de Noli M., Gomes L., Hall T., Pires V., Rosetti C.: "Da Noli a Capo Verde" ("From Noli to Cape Verde"). A cura di Aberto Peluffo. ISBN 978-91-981615-4-0.
  6. Astengo C, Balla M., Brigati I., Ferrada de Noli M., Gomes L., Hall T., Pires V., Rosetti C.: "Antonio de Noli and the beginning of the New World Discoveries". Editor Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli. Libertarian Books - Sweden, 2013 ISBN 978-91-981615-0-2.
  8. Author of "Un sogno al dilà del mare. Studio sull' emigrazione ligure e sulle figura de Luigi Defferrari", Noli, Savona, 2012
  9. Marcel Balla, Proceedings of the Conference of the Board of Directors of the Antonio de Noli Academic Society celebrated in the City of Noli on July 5th 2012