Antiochus VI Dionysus

Antiochus VI Dionysus

Coin of Antiochus VI Dionysus. British Museum.
Reign Seleucid kingdom: 148–142/1 BC
Coin of Antiochus VI. The reverse shows Castor and Polydeuces on horseback. The Greek inscription reads ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ (king Antiochus). The date ΘΞΡ is 169 of the Seleucid era, corresponding to 144143 BC.

Antiochus VI Dionysus (ca. 148142/1 BC), king of the Hellenistic Seleucid kingdom, was the son of Alexander Balas and Cleopatra Thea, daughter of Ptolemy VI of Egypt.

Antiochus VI did not actually rule. Either already in 145 or in early 144 BC he was nominated by the general Diodotus Tryphon as heir to the throne in opposition to Demetrius II, and remained the general's tool.[1] In c. 142/1 BC, the young king died.[2] While some ancient authors make Diodotus Tryphon responsible for the death of the king,[3] others write that he died during a surgery.[4]


Schürer, E. (1973). A History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 BC- AD 135) (Revised and Edited by G. Vermes and F. Millar ed.). Edinburgh. pp. 183–197.


  1. The first coins of the king are dated to the year 144 BC Houghton, Arthur (1992). "The Revolt of Tryphon and the accession of Antiochos VI at Apamea". SNR 71: 119–41.
  2. The last coinage of Antiochos VI is dated to the year 142/1 BC, see Houghton, Arthur, Lorber, Catherine C, Hoover, Oliver D. (2008), Seleucid Coins: A comprehensive catalogue, Part II: Seleucus IV to Antiochus XIII, 2 Vols, New York/Lancaster PA, Nr. 2020; 2022.3; 2026.
  3. Makk. 13.31; Diod. Sic. 33.28; App. Syr. 68. 357; Iust. 36.1.7.; Oros. 5.4.18.
  4. Ios. Ant. 13. 218; Liv. per. 55.

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Regnal titles
Preceded by
Alexander Balas
Seleucid King
145142 BC
with Demetrius II Nicator (145138 BC)
Succeeded by
Diodotus Tryphon