Antigone of Macedon

Antigone (Greek: Ἀντιγόνη) was a Greek Macedonian noblewoman that lived in the 4th century BC.

She was the child born to the nobleman Cassander by unnamed mother.[1] Antigone was a relative to the powerful Regent Antipater[2] as she was his niece. Her father and paternal uncle were the sons of Iolaus and through her father Antigone was a distant collateral relative to the Argead dynasty.[3]

Antigone was originally from either Paliura or Eordeaea. Little is known on her life. Antigone married a Greek Macedonian nobleman from obscure origins called Magas who was from Eordeaea.[4] Antigone and Magas lived in Eordeaea and had a daughter called Berenice I of Egypt.[5]

The colony of Antigonia was named after her and her granddaughter of the same name. Her namesake was the first wife of the Greek King Pyrrhus of Epirus.

