Anthony Lamb
Anthony L. Lamb M.A., Dip. Ag., D.T.A. is a British botanist, born in Sri Lanka in 1942, and specialising in the flora of Borneo. Lamb was educated at Blundell's School in Tiverton and at St John's College at Cambridge. Lamb arrived in Sabah, Borneo, in 1962 and started work on developing agricultural settlement schemes around Tawau.
In 1981 he set up the Tenom Orchid Centre as a Sabah State Government conservation project. He is coauthor of Rhododendrons of Sabah (1988) and Pitcher-Plants of Borneo (1996), and a coordinator and a coauthor of the popular Orchids of Borneo series.
Lamb described his life's work in an interview with Nicki Grihault, published in the The Daily Telegraph on 2 August, 2004.[1]
Lamb is married to Anthea Phillipps, and has two children, Serena and Alexander Lamb.