Anthony Duane

Anthony Duane (16791747) was an Irish immigrant to New York who was the father of James Duane, later a congressman, Mayor of New York City, and U.S. judge.

Anthony was born in County Galway in 1679 and joined the Royal Navy. He first came to New York in 1698 where he met and courted Eva, the daughter of local merchant Dick Benson. In 1702 Duane left the navy to marry Eva and settle in New York City where he pursued a mercantile career. Before her death in they had two sons: Abraham and Cornelius.

Duane prospered and bought land for investment, rental, and future development. When Eva died he remarried, this time to Altea Hettletas. The couple's only child was James. When Altea died he married a third time, to a widow named Margaret Riken (or Rycken).