Animal People

Animal People, Inc. was incorporated in New York State and is a 501(c)3 corporation registered with the Washington Office of the Secretary of State.

As described on the masthead of their flagship publication, Animal People is a "charitable corporation dedicated to exposing the existence of cruelty to animals and to informing and educating the public of the need to prevent and eliminate such cruelty."[1]

Animal People has five major program areas:[2]

  1. Publication of the Animal People newspaper;
  2. Maintenance of an information archive for animal welfare;
  3. Accountability monitoring of animal protection organizations;
  4. Education and training for animal workers in developing countries;
  5. Direct financial aid to trustworthy animal projects in many parts of the world.

Animal People, Inc, was founded in 1992 by Kim Bartlett, who continues to serve as President & Administrator, and Merritt Clifton, who has been editor of Animal People Newspaper since inception.


Kim Bartlett was hired as editor of Animals' Agenda news magazine [3] in August 1986, where Patrice Greanville was already associate editor. Merritt Clifton had been freelancing for Animals' Agenda, and was hired by Bartlett and Greanville as the feature writer in November 1986.

In mid-1988 several of the staff at Animals' Agenda left to form E: The Environmental Magazine[4] and Bartlett hired Clifton as news editor. In May 1992, shortly after the second annual Where the Money Goes report was published, Clifton was fired by the Animals' Agenda board. Bartlett resigned in protest and on the following day, Bartlett and Clifton incorporated Animal People. The board of directors was later expanded to four members.



Nisha, daughter of Somraj, plays a leading role in the protest against the Kampani in hopes of getting justice preceding the gas explosion. She is friends with fellow activist Animal and is expected to marry leading activist, Zafar. Her role in the novel is to support Zafar and the cause and also take care of Somraj. Nisha has a very kind and giving personality but she is also very protective of her friends and family.


Elli, an American from Pennsylvania, opened a free health clinic in Khaufpar that was boycotted in results of an order given by Zafar. At first everyone was timid to befriend Elli, except for animal who became friends with her to assist Zafar. Slowly everyone warmed up to Elli, she became engaged to Somraj but later was also suspected as being apart of the Kampani. In the end Elli proved her alliance true to the Khaufpar people and helped many of them with their medical problems.



The Animal People founders initiated neuter/return trials for feral cat population control in 1991, and in 1992 the program expanded to eight sites. In mid-1992 Bartlett and Clifton presented their findings at a conference sponsored by the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. This was among the several developments which established Trap-Neuter-Return in the U.S. as a viable approach. The findings were later reported in the November 1992 issue of Animal People.

Animal People has subsequently engaged in many other hands-on research projects, particularly in the areas of improved housing for shelter animals, disease control, living in harmony with wildlife, and censusing street dogs and feral cats.


Animal People increased their emphasis on international coverage beginning in 1997, and in 1998 began relaying funding from U.S. donors to selected overseas projects. This program quadrupled in size after the December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, when Animal People funded and mobilized 12 animal disaster relief teams,[5] working in India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand (and later in Indonesia). These were the first international animal welfare charities to respond after the tsunami.

From 2000 to 2010 Animal People directly sponsored several start-up African animal charities. Youth for Conservation,[6] and the African Network for Animal Welfare,[7] both of Kenya, have grown and developed considerable influence. Another, the Homeless Animals Protection Society of Ethiopia,[8] did pioneering work in the Gobe and Addis Ababa regions but has since disbanded.

Animal People has co-sponsored the Asia for Animals conference series since 2003,[9] the Middle East Network for Animal Welfare[10] conference series since 2007, and the Africa Animal Welfare Action[11] conference, first held in 2010.


Animal People, Inc. publishes nine print editions annually, and is also available online.

A stand-alone supplemental report, the annual Watchdog Report on Animal Protection Charities provides information on the leading animal-related charities.

Dog attack deaths and maimings, U.S. & Canada, sometimes referred to as the Clifton Report, is the only continuously updated, multi-sourced database of canine-related deaths.

Awards and recognition

Kim Bartlett has received awards for leadership in disaster relief from the Asia for Animals conference, and for leadership in humane work in the Middle East from the Middle East Network for Animal Welfare.

In 2010 Merritt Clifton received the 15th annual ProMED-mail Anniversary Award,[16] presented by the International Society for Infectious Diseases for contributions to the identification and control of emerging disease. Clifton was honored for contributions that led to identifying fruit bats as the host species for Nipah virus in April 1999; helping to identify the roles of cockfighting and falconing in the migration of H5N1; identifying aspects of halal slaughter as the probable source of outbreaks of the tick-borne Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever among Central Asian meat industry workers in 2009-2010; and especially, said ProMed-mail editor Larry Madoff, for contributions to epidemiological understanding of the cultural factors involved in the spread and control of canine rabies in India, China, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

See also


External links