Anglican Coalition in Canada

Logo of the Anglican Coalition in Canada.
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The Anglican Coalition in Canada (ACiC) is a Canadian Anglican group that is part of the Anglican Mission in the Americas.

The Right Rev. Silas Ng is the bishop of the ACiC and the Rev. Peter Klenner is the Network Leader. Many of the congregations came from the Diocese of New Westminster, while others are located in Vancouver Island, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario. The group was formed a month after the New Westminster synod voted to allow the blessing of same sex unions, in July 2002.

The ACiC was founded originally as the Anglican Communion in Canada.[1] However, in 2005, Corporations Canada asked ACiC to change its name since the Anglican Church of Canada is the sole representative of the Anglican Communion in Canada.[2]

See also

External links


  1. "Anglican Communion in Canada". Internet Archive Wayback Machine. 2004-09-27. Archived from the original on 2004-09-27. Retrieved 2006-04-03.
  2. "Group drops name". Anglican Journal. 2006-02-18. Archived from the original on 2006-02-23. Retrieved 2006-04-03.