Anglican—Roman Catholic International Commission

The Anglican—Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) is an organization created in 1969 which seeks to make ecumenical progress between the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion.[1] The sponsors are the Anglican Consultative Council and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (formerly the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity).

ARCIC seeks to identify common ground between the two communions. Ecumenical relations have become strained, owing to the ordination of women within the Anglican Communion and, in more recent years, the Anglican communion has internally become increasingly more divided over issues concerning human sexuality.

Joint Preparatory Commission: 1967-68

In 1967 there were three meetings, a preparatory meeting in Italy,[2] a meeting on the place of scripture in England[3] and culminating in a meeting in Malta[4] culminating in the Malta Report.[5]

First phase: 1970-1981

The first phase of ARCIC was held under the aegis of the Most Reverend Henry McAdoo (Anglican Archbishop of Dublin) and the Right Reverend Alan Clark (Roman Catholic Bishop of East Anglia). The co-secretaries were Anglicans Colin Davey[6] and Christopher Hill[7] and the Roman Catholic Monsignor William A. Purdy.

In 1970 and 1971 there were a number of meetings on eucharistic doctrine,[8][9][10] ending with an agreed statement.[11] An elucidation was issued in 1979.[12]

In 1972[13] there was a meeting on the subject of ordination paving the way for an agreed statement[14] from Canterbury.[15] An elucidation was issued in 1979.[16]

In the mid-1970s a number of meetings were held on the issue of authority[17][18] culminating in a statement[19] made at Venice.[20] Further discussions on the subject of authority were held in 1977,[21] 1979[22] and 1980[23] with elucidations[24] and a further statement[25] issued at Windsor in 1981 with the final statement.

A final statement for "ARCIC I" was issued in 1981 at Windsor.[26] There were responses from both the Lambeth Conference[27] and the Catholic Church.[28] Further clarifications on the Eucharist and Ministry were issued in 1993.[29]

Second phase: 1983 - 2011

In the second phase the Co-Chairs were the Anglican bishops Mark Santer,[30] Frank Griswold[31] and Peter Carnley[32] and the Roman Catholic bishops Cormac Murphy O'Connor[33] and Alexander Joseph Brunett.[34] A number of Anglican[35] and Roman Catholic[36] clerics served as co-secretaries.

The topics covered by ARCIC II included the doctrine of salvation,[37][38][39][40] communion,[41][42][43][44][45][46][47] teaching authority,[19][48][49][50][51][52] and the role of Mary the mother of God.[53][54][55][56][57][58]

In 2000, ARCIC II supported a meeting of 13 pairs of Anglican and Roman Catholic bishops from around the globe at Mississauga, Toronto, Canada. This meeting set up the International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity and Mission (IARCCUM), which began to meet in 2002, but was suspended from 2003-2005 in view of the consecration of an openly gay Anglican bishop in the USA. IARCCUM is not about reaching theological agreement so much as finding ways to put into practice the agreements which ARCIC has reached and have been accepted by the two Churches.

In 2007 IARCCUM issued Growing Together in Unity and Mission which summarises the nine Agreed Statements of ARCIC. This states that “The Roman Catholic Church teaches that the ministry of the Bishop of Rome [the Pope] as universal primate is in accordance with Christ’s wiill for the Church and an essential element of maintaining it in unity and truth.”. Not only that but the document goes on to say that “We urge Anglicans and Roman Catholics to explore together how the ministry of the Bishop of Rome might be offered and received in order to assist our Communions to grow towards full, ecclesial communion.”

Third phase: 2011 - present

The new phase of Anglican-Roman Catholic dialogue started from May 17–27, 2011 at the ecumenical Monastery of Bose in northern Italy.[59] The third phase of ARCIC will be to consider fundamental questions regarding the Church as Communion -- Local and Universal, and How in Communion the Local and Universal Church Comes to Discern Right Ethical Teaching. The opening meeting also noted Catholic-Anglican tensions over the creation of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, a Vatican organ established earlier the same year in order to make easier the transition to the Catholic Church by Anglican congregations (not just individuals) wishing to move into communion with Rome.[60]

The co-chairmen of this phase are Archbishop Bernard Longley of Birmingham and Anglican Archbishop David Moxon of New Zealand, now Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome.

Roman Catholic members: Bishop Arthur Kennedy of Boston   Paul Murray, professor of theology and religion at Durham University   Janet Smith, professor of moral theology    Redemptorist Father Vimal Tirimanna, professor at Rome's Alphonsianum University    Benedictine Father Henry Wansbrough from Ampleforth Abbey    Sister Teresa Okure of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, Nigeria    Father Adelbert Denaux, former professor at the Catholic University of Leuven and member of ARCIC II, (currently) dean of the School of Catholic Theology of Tilburg University.

Anglican members: Paula Gooder, canon theologian of Birmingham Cathedral    Christopher Hill, Bishop of Guildford    The Revd Mark McIntosh, canon professor at the University of Durham    Bishop Nkosinathi Ndwandwe of Natal, Southern Africa    Bishop Linda Nicholls in the Diocese of Toronto    The Revd Michael Poon from Trinity Theological College in Singapore    The Revd Canon Nicholas Sagovsky, former ARCIC II member and retiring canon at Westminster Abbey    The Revd Peter Sedgwick, principal of St. Michael's College; and the Revd Dr Charles Sherlock, former ARCIC II member and Registrar of the MCD University of Divinity in Australia


ARCIC has met with some hostile reaction from traditionalist Roman Catholics.[61][62] Although ARCIC had just completed the major document on Marian theology in 2003, Pope John Paul II suspended official talks between the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion, owing to the consecration of Gene Robinson, a homosexual man in a non-celibate relationship, as a bishop in the Episcopal Church in the United States.[63] Moreover, the ordination of women, especially to the episcopacy, has repeatedly been questioned by the Roman Catholic Church leadership as harmful to Christian unity. Cardinal Walter Kasper, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, put it this way: The ordination of women to the episcopate "signified a breaking away from apostolic tradition and a further obstacle for reconciliation between the Catholic Church and the Church of England." He also seemed more upset about the warring parties within Anglicanism: "He described the legislation for those opposed to women's ordained ministry in the Church of England as the 'unspoken institutionalism' of an 'existing schism.'"[64] At the opening of the May 2011 meeting, British journalist William Oddie claimed that ARCIC activities were useless, as only the Catholic side had a clear agenda and described all ecumenical activity as leading to a dead end.[60]

See also

Notes and references

  1. James, Barry (1992-05-19). "Anglican Leader Challenges Vatican Stand on Birth Control". New York Times. Retrieved 2012-01-13.
  2. January 9–13, 1967 - Villa Cagnola, Gazzada, Italy - "First Steps Toward Restoring Full Unity; identifying themes for dialogue"
  3. August 30 - September 3, 1967 - Huntercombe Manor, Buckinghamshire, England - "The Authority of the Word of God and its Relationship to the Church"
  4. December 31, 1967 - January 3, 1968 - Mount St. Joseph, Malta
  5. "A Vision for Unity" The Malta Report Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission
  6. until July 1974
  7. from August 1974
  8. January 9–15, 1970 - Windsor, England - "Fundamentals of the Faith; Authority; Church; Intercommunion and Ministry; Eucharist"
  9. September 21–28, 1970 - Venice, Italy - "Church and Ministry; Church and Authority; Church and Eucharist; the Relation of Men and Women; Making of Moral Judgements"
  10. September 1–8, 1971 - Windsor, England - "Eucharistic Doctrine"
  11. Agreed Statement on Eucharistic Doctrine
  12. January 12–20, 1979 - Salisbury, England - Elucidations on Eucharist
  13. August 30 - September 7, 1972 - Gazzada, Italy - "Ministry and Ordination"
  14. A statement on The Doctrine of the Ministry Agreed by the Anglican - Roman Catholic International Commission Canterbury, 1973
  15. August 28 - September 6, 1973 - Canterbury, England - "Ministry and Ordination"
  16. January 12–20, 1979 - Salisbury, England - Elucidations on Ministry
  17. August 27 - September 5, 1974 - Grottaferrata, Italy - "Authority"
  18. August 27 - September 5, 1975 - Oxford, England - "Authority in the Church, Primacy, Infallibility"
  19. 19.0 19.1 Authority in the Church I Agreed Statement
  20. August 24 - September 2, 1976 - Venice, Italy - "Authority in the Church I"
  21. August 30 - September 8, 1977 - Chichester, England - "How to treat the reaction to the Statement"
  22. August 28 - September 6, 1979 - Venice, Italy further discussion of `Authority' statement
  23. August 26 - September 4, 1980 - Venice, Italy Authority and universal jurisdiction
  24. August 25 - September 3, 1981 - Windsor, England - Elucidations on Authority in the Church
  25. August 25 - September 3, 1981 - Windsor, England - Authority in the Church II
  26. August 25 - September 3, 1981 - Windsor, England - ARCIC I The Final Report
  28. The Catholic Response to ARCIC I, December 6, 1991
  29. Clarifications of certain aspects of the agreed statements on Eucharist and Ministry of the first Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission September 1993
  30. Bishop of Birmingham, England (1982-1999)
  31. Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America (1999-2003)
  32. Archbishop of Perth and Primate of the Anglican Church in Australia (2003- )
  33. Bishop of Arundel and Brighton, England (1982-1999)
  34. Archbishop of Seattle, USA (1999-)
  35. Canon Christopher Hill 1967-1990; Canon Stephen George Platten 1990-1994; the Rev. Dr. Donald Anderson 1994-1996; Canon David Hamid (Anglican) 1996-2002; Canon Gregory Cameron 2003-
  36. Msgr Richard L. Stewart (Roman Catholic) 1983-1985; Msgr Kevin McDonald (Roman Catholic) 1985-1993; Msgr Timothy Galligan (Roman Catholic) 1993-2001; the Rev. Donald Bolen (Roman Catholic) 2001-
  37. August 30 - September 6, 1983 - Venice, Italy - "The Church, Grace and Salvation"
  38. August 22–31, 1984 - Durham, England - "The Church, Salvation and the Doctrine of Justification"
  39. August 26 - September 4, 1985 - Graymoor, New York, USA - "Salvation and the Church"
  40. August 26 - September 4, 1986 - Llandaff, Wales - Salvation and the Church An Agreed Statement
  41. September 1–10, 1987 - Palazzola, Italy - "Growth in Communion"
  42. August 24 - September 2, 1988 - Edinburgh, Scotland - "Communion: Commonalities and Differences"
  43. August 28 - September 6, 1989 - Venice, Italy - "The Theology of Communion; Moral Issues"
  44. August 28 - September 6, 1990 - Dublin, Ireland - The Church as Communion
  45. August 27 - September 5, 1991 - Paris, France - "Morals and Ecclesial Communion"
  46. August 28 - September 6, 1992 - Windsor, England - "Common Witness to Moral Values; Morals, Communion and the Church"
  47. August 28 - September 6, 1993 - Venice, Italy - Life in Christ: Morals, Communion and the Church
  48. August 31 - September 9, 1994 - Jerusalem, Israel - "Authority in the Church"
  49. August 28 - September 6, 1995 - Venice, Italy - "Teaching Authority in the Church and its Relation to Scripture and Tradition"
  50. August 26 - September 4, 1996 - Mechelen, Belgium - "Scripture, Tradition and the Exercise of Authority" (substitute Anglican co-chairman: Rt Revd John Baycroft)
  51. August 26 - September 4, 1997 - Alexandria, Virginia, USA - "Scripture, Tradition and the Gift of Authority in the Church"
  52. August 25 - September 3, 1998 - Palazzola, Italy - The Gift of Authority (Authority in the Church III)
  53. August 26 - September 2, 1999 - Mississauga, Ontario, Canada - "Review of Reactions to The Gift of Authority. Preliminary Discussion of Marian Issues"
  54. August 26 - September 4, 2000 - Paris, France - "Marian issues"
  55. August 27 - September 4, 2001 - Dublin, Ireland - "Marian Issues"
  56. July 10–18, 2002 - Vienna, Austria - "The Place of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Life and Doctrine of the Church"
  57. July 10–18, 2003 - West Palm Beach, Florida, USA - "Marian Issues"
  58. January 28-February 3, 2004 - Seattle, Washington, USA - "Marian Issues and Final Document" "Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ"
  59. "Anglican-Catholic Dialogue Opens New Phase". Zenit. 3 Feb 2011.
  60. 60.0 60.1 As new round of Anglican-Catholic talks begin, some question the purpose
  61. Truth Prevails (The Vatican Response to ARCIC) by Michael Davies
  62. The Futility of ARCIC - Chasing false unity with a faltering sect, Peter W. Miller, Seattle Catholic, 1 April 2002
  63. Telegraph Newspaper article on the breaking off of Catholic-Anglican ecumenical dialogue following the Gene Robinson consecration.
  64. Victoria Combe, "Agonies of a broad church", The Tablet 12 July 2008

Further reading

External links