Angelina Eichhorst

Angelina Eichhorst
European Union Ambassador to Lebanon
Assumed office
January 2011
Preceded by Patrick Laurent[1]
Personal details
Born 14 August 1965
Nationality Dutch

Angelina Eichhorst formally took up her position as Ambassador / Head of EU Delegation to the Lebanese Republic in January 2011.[2]


Angelina Eichhorst studied Languages and Cultures of the Middle East at the Catholic University in Nijmegen, and Political Science at the Université Libre in Brussels. She holds special degrees in International Law, Human Rights and the Law of International Organisations.[2][3][4]


Between 1989 and 1996, Angelina Eichhorst worked with civil society organisations in Cairo as well as for the United Nations in New York and Somalia. In 1996 she joined the European Commission in Brussels where she held various positions as technical, senior and policy advisor. In 2004 she became Head of Development and Regional Cooperation at the EU Delegation to Jordan. She held this position for four years before she was sent to Syria in 2008 to head the Syria Delegation's Political and Economic Affairs, Press, Information and Culture section.[2][3][4]

In September 2010, Catherine Ashton, the European Union's (EU) High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, appointed Angelina Eichhorst EU ambassador to the Lebanese Republic. She assumed her post in Beirut formally in January 2011.[2]

See also


  1. , Angelina Eichhorst, nouvelle ambassadrice de l'UE au Liban.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 , Ambassador Angelina Eichhorst: CURRICULUM VITAE.
  3. 3.0 3.1 , New E.U. envoy Eichhorst presents credentials to president.
  4. 4.0 4.1 , La nouvelle ambassadrice / Chef de la Délégation de l’UE.

External links

Selection of articles and statements published by Angelina Eichhorst