Andrew Price-Smith

Dr. Andrew Price-Smith (born Toronto, Canada, 1968) is a Professor of Political Science, and academic writer, best known his for work on 'health security' and 'environmental security.' An expert on the effects of Pandemic Influenza, and government efforts to contain it, his consilient works analyze the complex linkages between environmental change, infectious disease, history, economics and security. He has held prior appointments at Columbia University, and the University of South Florida. In 2005, he moved to Colorado College to join the faculty of Political Science there. Price-Smith was also the first to empirically model an index for State Capacity variables. Although Price-Smith's findings are often espoused by the Human Security community, his work suggests that he is a National Security (IR) theoretician who invokes elements of republican theory (see Daniel Deudney),[1] coupled with facets of political psychology (perception, cognition, and affect)see Robert Jervis.


Price-Smith's influences include William McNeill, Alfred Crosby, E.O. Wilson, Robert Jervis, Daniel Deudney, Stephen Jay Gould, David Hendrickson, and Sir Francis Bacon.

Academic background

Price-Smith earned a BA (Honours) in Political Science from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario in 1992. His Master's in Political Science from the University of Western Ontario in 1994 focused upon Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm (1990–1991), and the conflict between the US-led coalition forces and Iraq. He completed his Ph.D in Political Science at the University of Toronto in 1999. His doctoral dissertation was entitled The Health of Nations and formed the core of his subsequent book of the same name, published by MIT, and shortlisted for the Grawemeyer Award in 2002.

At the University of Toronto, Price-Smith initially studied under Thomas Homer-Dixon, but completed his doctorate under David A. Welch where he completed the dissertation that was published by MIT as The Health of Nations.[2] Upon graduation Price-Smith accepted a post-doctoral position at CIESIN in the Earth Institute at Columbia University, and concurrently taught at Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA). Following that, he taught at the University of South Florida for several years where he began to develop his interests in the nexus energy/environment and health. He moved to Colorado College in the summer of 2005 to take a position in the Department of Political Science.

Price-Smith was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure in 2010, and tapped to be Chair of the Department of Political Science at Colorado College in the Spring of 2013.

Teaching career

Price-Smith is currently an Associate Professor of Political Science (2010–present), and Chair of the Department of Political Science (June 2013 -). He served as acting Chair of the Environmental Science Program, at The Colorado College, during 2010.


Price-Smith's latest book, Contagion and Chaos, won a Choice Magazine Award for Best Academic Book of 2009. Price-Smith's work has been used in The Atlantic Monthly, The Globe and Mail, The Toronto Star, and the Denver Post. He has lectured at the University of Oxford, Columbia University, Dartmouth College, UCLA, and in Canada, UK, France, Norway, and Switzerland, and spoken on Voice of America. He has been an influential voice in Washington policy circles. His address to the House Science and Technology Committee was detailed in the front page article of the Washington Post, entitled: "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." Over the years he has occasionally acted as consultant for the United Nations Development Program, the World Bank, the United States Institute of Peace, the US Department of Energy, and the US Department of Homeland Security (among other institutions).

See also

Environmental Sustainability Index


  1. Deudney, Bounding Power, Princeton University Press, 2007
  2. A. Price-Smith, The Health of Nations: Infectious Disease, Environmental Change and National Security, Cambridge:MA, MIT Press, 2002

External links