Ancient Greek Numbers

Ancient Greek Numbers
Range U+10140..U+1018F
(80 code points)
Plane SMP
Scripts Common
Symbol sets acrophonic numerals
Assigned 77 code points
Unused 3 reserved code points
Unicode version history
4.1 75 (+75)
7.0 77 (+2)
Note: [1]

Ancient Greek Numbers is a Unicode block containing acrophonic numerals used in ancient Greece.

Ancient Greek Numbers[1][2]
Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+1014x 𐅀 𐅁 𐅂 𐅃 𐅄 𐅅 𐅆 𐅇 𐅈 𐅉 𐅊 𐅋 𐅌 𐅍 𐅎 𐅏
U+1015x 𐅐 𐅑 𐅒 𐅓 𐅔 𐅕 𐅖 𐅗 𐅘 𐅙 𐅚 𐅛 𐅜 𐅝 𐅞 𐅟
U+1016x 𐅠 𐅡 𐅢 𐅣 𐅤 𐅥 𐅦 𐅧 𐅨 𐅩 𐅪 𐅫 𐅬 𐅭 𐅮 𐅯
U+1017x 𐅰 𐅱 𐅲 𐅳 𐅴 𐅵 𐅶 𐅷 𐅸 𐅹 𐅺 𐅻 𐅼 𐅽 𐅾 𐅿
U+1018x 𐆀 𐆁 𐆂 𐆃 𐆄 𐆅 𐆆 𐆇 𐆈 𐆉 𐆊 𐆋 𐆌
1.^ As of Unicode version 7.0
2.^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points

See also


  1. "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 22 March 2013.