Ancaster stone

Ancaster stone is Middle Jurassic oolitic limestone, quarried around Ancaster, Lincolnshire, England. There are three forms of this limestone, Weather Bed, Hard White and Freestone. Ancaser stone is a generic term for these forms of limestone found at quarries in the vicinity of the village of Ancaster including Gregory's Quarry (SK992409), 2½ kilometres south of Ancaster.

As well as being used for the church at Ancaster and a number of village buildings, there have also been many great works of architecture constructed from Ancaster stone including; Harlaxton Manor, Norwich cathedral and St Johns College Cambridge. Ancaster stone may be seen in a modern building, in use as a facing and flooring stone, at The Collection in Lincoln, Lincolnshire. Stapleford Park is a more traditional building constructed from it.[1] Under certain lighting conditions the stone in its unpolished state can exhibit a greenish blue hue.

It has also been used for sculptures by Barbara Hepworth and Henry Moore.


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