An sluagh sidhe so i nEamhuin?

An sluagh sidhe so i nEamhuin? (also known as Is this a fairy host in Eamhain Mhacha?) is an Irish poem dated to the late 16th-century. [1]

An sluagh sidhe so i nEamhuin? is

"an ode to Turlough Luineach O'Neill which gives a great deal of information on the preparations for battle, despite almost nothing been said about the actual fight .. [It has] "the patron play[ing] the central role in a set piece on 'Arming the Hero' which has parallels in all European literatures, and in Irish prose romances. This motif is a very old and well-established on - it is found repeatedly in Virgil's Aeneid. .... Many pieces in Turlough Luineach's accoutrement are ... described ... his spurs, his padded jack, his 'feilm' or helmet."

See also


  1. Katherine Simms (1990) "Images of Warfare in Bardic Poetry", Celtica 21.