
Amsinckia eastwoodiae
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: (unplaced)
Family: Boraginaceae
Genus: Amsinckia
Type species
Amsinckia lycopsoides

Amsinckia carinata
Amsinckia douglasiana
Amsinckia eastwoodiae
Amsinckia grandiflora
Amsinckia intermedia
Amsinckia lunaris
Amsinckia lycopsoides
Amsinckia marginata
Amsinckia menziesii
Amsinckia spectabilis
Amsinckia tessellata
Amsinckia vernicosa

Amsinckia is a genus of flowering plants commonly known as fiddlenecks. The common name is derived from the flower stems, bearing many small flowers, which curl over at the top in a manner reminiscent of the head of a fiddle. Fiddlenecks are in the family Boraginaceae, along with borage and forget-me-nots.

The fiddlenecks are native to western North America and south-western South America, but they are naturalized in other regions. They are annuals, many of them bristly. Most have an erect stem, whose height varies from 20 to 120 cm. In most species the flowers are yellow, often with an orange tinge. Most are found at relatively low altitudes, below 500 metres.

The seeds and foliage of fiddlenecks are poisonous to livestock, particularly cattle, because they contain alkaloids and high concentrations of nitrates. The sharp hairs of the plants can cause skin irritation in humans. However, the shoots, seeds or leaves of several species were used as food by Native Americans, and the plant also had some medicinal uses.

The species are hard to distinguish, and their ranges overlap; furthermore, several of them have large numbers of slightly different varieties, and several of the species hybridise naturally. To decide which species a particular specimen belongs to, therefore, is likely to require a detailed examination with an identification key in hand.



  1. Malheur Valley fiddleneck (Amsinckia carinata). Oregon Department of Agriculture.

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Amsinckia.