Amir Khan Lepzerin

Emîr Xan Lepzêrîn (transliterated: Amir Khan Lepzerin) was a Kurdish ruler of Bradost near Urmia. In 1609 he rebuilt the ruined structure of Dimdim castle. He tried to get more independence of his expanding principality in the face of both Ottoman and Safavid penetration into the region. Rebuilding of the Dimdim castle was considered a move toward independence that could threaten Safavid power in the northwest. Many Kurds including the rulers of Mukriyan (Mahabad), rallied around Amir Khan. The Safavid Shah Abbas I besieged the castle. After a long battle led by the Safavid grand vizier Hatem Beg, which lasted from November 1609 to the summer of 1610, Dimdim castle was captured. Shah Abbas I ordered a grand massacre in Mukriyan and Urmia and all the defenders of the castle were massacred.

See also

Battle of DimDim