Americans for Medical Progress

Message left in April 2004 on the wall of dogs' kennels by the Animal Liberation Front, the kind of activity that Americans for Medical Progress seeks to counteract
Animal testing

Main articles
Animal testing
Alternatives to animal testing
Testing on: invertebrates
frogs · primates
rabbits · rodents
Animal testing regulations
History of animal testing
History of model organisms
Laboratory animal sources
Pain and suffering in lab animals
Testing cosmetics on animals
Toxicology testing

Biomedical research
Animal rights · Animal welfare
Animals (Scientific Procedures)
Great ape research ban
International trade in primates

Brown Dog affair
Cambridge University primates
Pit of despair
Silver Spring monkeys
UCR 1985 laboratory raid
Unnecessary Fuss

Jackson Laboratory
Charles River Laboratories, Inc.
Covance · Harlan
Huntingdon Life Sciences
UK lab animal suppliers
Nafovanny · Shamrock

Americans for Medical Progress
Boyd Group · BUAV
Dr Hadwen Trust
Foundation for Biomedical
Research · FRAME
National Anti-Vivisection Society
New England Anti-Vivisection Society
PETA · Physicians Committee
for Responsible Medicine

Primate Freedom Project
Speaking of Research
Understanding Animal Research

Tipu Aziz · Michael Balls
Neal Barnard · Colin Blakemore
Simon Festing · Gill Langley
Ingrid Newkirk · Bernard Rollin
Jerry Vlasak · Syed Ziaur Rahman

Animal testing · Animal rights
Animal welfare

Related templates
Template:Animal rights

Americans for Medical Progress (AMP) is a charity that aims to protect and advocate for society's investment in medical research. As a specific goal, AMP states that it promotes "public understanding of and support for the appropriate role of animals in biomedical research so that scientists are able to continue their quest for cures and improved methods of treatment for illness, injury and disease." Although in favor of moderate animal welfare measures, the AMP is often sharply critical of more radical animal rights groups such as PETA and the similarly named Americans For Medical Advancement.

AMP issues the Albert. B. Sabin Hero of Science Award to honor leading medical scientists and advocates of biomedical research. Past recipients have included Dr. Sabin himself, Nobel laureate Joseph E. Murray, vaccine designer Maurice Hilleman, and herceptin developer Dennis Slamon, as well as opera legend Beverly Sills, actress Barbara Barrie, and former U. S. Representatives John E. Porter and Patricia Schroeder for their support and advocacy of medical research.

In Spring 2008 the organization awarded Tom Holder, the spokesman for Pro-Test, the Michael D. Hayre fellowship in public outreach.[1] This allowed Holder to move to the United States,[2] and with the support of AMP, set up Speaking of Research a campus-oriented group supporting animal research with similar tactics to Pro-Test. In July 2009 AMP announced three new Hayre Fellows to work on local and national advocacy efforts.[3]

In April 2009 Americans for Medical Progress launched the Pro-Test Petition in conjunction with Speaking of Research and UCLA Pro-Test. According to Holder the petition offered the public "[an] opportunity to show [their] support for the scientists and [their] opposition to the use of threats and violence".[4] This petition, to defend animal research, is similar to The People's Petition which gained over 20,000 signatures in the United Kingdom. The Pro-Test Petition has accumulated over 10,000 signatures to date.[4]

See also


External links