Americans for Honesty on Issues

Americans for Honesty on Issues is a Houston, Texas based 527 group that by mid-October 2006 had spent over one million dollars on television advertisements, critical of Democratic Party candidates, in advance of the 2006 United States general election.[1] 527 groups are tax-exempt organizations that participate in political activities, typically via soft money contributions, which have no legal limit.[2] By United States federal law, they are not allowed to coordinate their efforts with political campaigns.


See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 "As Election Nears, Groups Plan Negative Ads", New York Times, 2006-10-11
  2. 527 Committee Activity at
  3. Sue Walden entry at Texans for Public Justice website
  4. Houston Chronicle, 2003-07-19, cited by Iowa Democratic Party website
  5. "New Front-Group Alert - Americans for Honesty on Issues", Patriot Project website, 2006-10-20
  6. "Builder's $8 million tops GOP donor list", Houston Chronicle, 2006-10-17, page A1