American Siren

American Siren
Motto A true pageant featuring the real beauty of a woman: Her ability to be both attractive and intelligent simultaneously capable of reconciling the role of C.E.O. and cover girl.
Formation 2010
Type Beauty/Scholarship Pageant
Headquarters Boston,Massachusetts

American Siren is a beauty contest started November 2010. It is an urban pageant offering a yearly cash prize, entertainment contracts, and scholarship assistance to the winners.[1] The pageant's focus is to spotlight the modern urban woman and to promote women in business.


American Siren was launched by Invision Filmworks in January 2011[2] as a recruiting tool for new faces in the entertainment industry, keeping inline with the principles of presenting more positive images of minorities and urban life. The pageant was created as a solution to the exploitation and controversy of hip hop models and so called video vixens;[3] providing positive representations of the morals and values of minority and urban women instead of the more common negative, degrading, subservient, or misogynistic images popularly portrayed. The pageant's intention is to showcase the "urban woman" in a new light by combining the world of entertainment with the world of business thus giving young women not just positive new role models but educating them of the many career options available despite the preconceived prejudices toward beauty.


The competition is open to all women over the age of 18. Entry requires contestants to submit an essay and to sign an honor pledge see honor code. Not a traditional pageant accepting contestants representing their respective State, the contestants instead represent a business or similar sponsor as Ms._____________(Sponsor/Business Name).[4] American Siren licences the ability of Sponsors to conduct their own preliminaries for entry into the pageant.


The judging is conducted during the following events where contestants display their individuality, poise, and grace:

1) T-shirt and Stilettos: In the T-shirt and Stilettos portion of the pageant the contestants wear a T-shirt promoting their sponsor, their favorite cause, or charity.

2) V.I.P: In the V.I.P. portion of the pageant the contestants dress in their favorite party wear.

3) Sport Girl: In the Sport Girl portion of the pageant the contestants present themselves in a sport themed outfit be it something related to their favorite sport team or activity.

4) Alter Ego: In the Alter Ego portion of the pageant the contestants dress up as a stylized version of their personal alter ego.

5) Strictly Business: In the Strictly Business portion of the pageant the contestants wear outfits suitable for an interview or the board room.

6) Summer Time: In the Summer Time portion of the pageant the contestants wear beach or summer themed outfits.

7) Paparazzi Lights: In the Paparazzi Lights portion of the pageant the contestants dress in full celebrity glamor fit for the red carpet.

8) Siren Song: In the Siren Song portion of the pageant the contestants present their personal closing comments.


  1. "American Siren info" (PDF). Retrieved 2011-01-25.
  2. "Invision Filmworks Launches American Siren". Retrieved 2011-01-25.
  3. "Black in America: Video Vixens Too Revealing?". Retrieved 2011-01-25.
  4. "discussion forum". Retrieved 2011-01-25.

External links