American Association of Teachers of German

The American Association of Teachers of German is a professional organisation for teachers of German in the United States and Europe. Teachers may be involved in primary, secondary, or university education. Additionally, retired and student teachers are welcome.

AATG Endowed Scholarship

AATG provides many scholarships and awards to members and students of German. One of these is the AATG Endowed Scholarship, which allows high school Juniors and Seniors the opportunity to travel to Germany for three weeks during the Summer for a student-exchange program. This scholarship has existed since 1997, and is awarded to up to three students annually. It is funded by members of AATG, and is organized in part by the Student Exchange branch of the German government.

Selection Process

Every year since 2000, up to three students have been selected to receive the AATG endowed scholarship. The initial selection process takes place through the AATG National Standardized Test, which is administered in December and January. From this test, those who score at or above the 90th percentile are informed that they are eligible for application for the scholarship. Of those who apply, two candidates are selected from each state: one Junior candidate, and one Senior candidate. These candidates' applications are then sent to the National AATG Selection Committee, which makes the final decisions.

See also

External links