Amazon Conservation Team

Amazon Conservation Team
Founded 1996
Type Non-governmental organization
Focus Environmentalism
Indigenous rights
Area served
Amazon Rainforest
Key people
Mark Plotkin
US$ 7,984,476 (2008)

The Amazon Conservation Team (ACT) is a non-profit organization that works in partnership with indigenous people of tropical America in conserving the biodiversity of the Amazon Rainforest as well as the culture and land of its indigenous people. ACT was formed in 1996 by ethnobotanist Mark Plotkin and Costa Rican conservationist Liliana Madrigal, and so far has mainly been active in the northwest, northeast, and southern regions of the Amazon.

In 2002, ACT received the United Nations Environment Programme Global 500 Award in recognition of their conservation achievements. In 2008, the organization received the Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship from the Skoll Foundation. In November 2010, ACT was recognized as a 2010 Tech Awards Laureate by the prestigious Tech Museum in San Jose, for their work with technology to help map the Amazon.

Signature Programs

Map, Manage, Protect

In its efforts to achieve the land protection objectives of its indigenous partners, ACT employs a stepped procedure: first, participatory ethnographic mapping and ethno-environmental diagnostics are conducted; second, ACT helps the tribes/communities develop management plans that embrace both land protection and sustainable development; and third, ACT provides conservation and land monitoring capacity building to the tribes/communities while bringing their representatives in communication with state environmental enforcement agencies. To this last end, ACT conducts an annual indigenous park ranger training program certified by the International Ranger Federation. Areas ethnographically mapped by ACT in collaboration with local tribes include Brazil’s 2,800,000-hectare Xingu Indigenous Reserve, its 248,000-hectare Suruí Indigenous Reserve,[1] and its 4,000,000-hectare Tumucumaque Indigenous Reserve.[2][3] There is also the similar-sized and similarly named 3,887,000-hectare Tumucumaque National Park, which has no inhabitants and thus no possible ethnographic maps.[2] The Suruí Reserve mapping was facilitated by technical assistance from Google Earth Outreach, which also trained the tribe in remote monitoring.[2][4][5]

Shamans and Apprentices

Since its inception, ACT has worked with tribal groups in the Colombian Eastern Andes (Cofan, Inga, Siona, Kamsá, and Coreguaje) and the interior of Suriname (Trio, Wayana) in an attempt to preserve, strengthen and perpetuate their traditional healthcare systems, including their legacy ethnobotanical knowledge.[6] The effort emphasizes intergenerational transmission of knowledge from elders to youth. In Suriname, ACT has constructed four traditional medicine clinics in interior communities (Kwamalasamutu, Tepu, Apetina, and the Maroon village of Gonini mofo) operated by local healers and their apprentices. In 2003, this effort was selected among a handful of global initiatives for the UNESCO/Nuffic publication “Best Practices Using Indigenous Knowledge”.[7] In 2004, ACT's integrated medicine project received a World Bank Development Marketplace Award, the first such award made for a Suriname-based initiative.[8]

Isolated and Uncontacted Peoples

ACT is assisting the National Park Service of Colombia in the development of protection guidelines and contingency plans for isolated indigenous communities in Colombian National Parks, with particular reference to the Rió Puré and Cahuinarí National Parks in the department of Amazonas, where ACT sponsored overflights in 2010 and 2011 that identified the longhouses of uncontacted peoples, likely the Yuri (Carabayo) or Passé people, long believed extinct.[9]

Creation of Protected Areas

In Colombia, ACT partnered with the government and local tribes to establish two protected areas that both create new categories of reserve: The 77,000-hectare Alto Fragua Indi Wasi National Park (Caquetá Department),[10] the first reserve to be co-managed by a resident tribe (the Inga) and the national park service; and the 10,000-hectare Orito-Ingi Ande Medicinal Plant Sanctuary (Putumayo Department), the first reserve specifically created for the conservation of medicinal flora.[11]

See also


External links