Amaro Rodríguez Felipe

Amaro Rodríguez Felipe y Tejera Machado
Nickname Amaro Pargo
Born May 3, 1678
Place of birth San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
Died October 14, 1747 (69 years)
Place of death San Cristóbal de La Laguna
Rank Captain
Base of operations Atlantic

Amaro Rodríguez Felipe y Tejera Machado (San Cristóbal de La Laguna, May 3, 1678 - San Cristóbal de La Laguna, October 14, 1747), more popularly known as Amaro Pargo, was a famous Spanish pirate.[1]


Born in San Cristóbal de La Laguna, on the island of Tenerife (Canary Islands). He was baptized by Father Manuel Hurtado Mendoza in the church of Los Remedios (now Cathedral), being his godfather Amaro Lopez. He was the son of Juan Rodríguez Tejera Felipe and Beatriz Machado. Had 7 hermanos.1

In 1701 embarks as an ensign on a ship, the Ave Maria, nicknamed "La Chata", which is boarded by pirates. He advised the captain simulate a surrender to start a battle of emerging victorious. In gratitude, Captain Amaro give away his first boat. With it began its commercial activities, including the African slave trade. It was with a large fleet and also with many houses. Also, for being a fervent Catholic made important charities to churches, religious institutions and the own Cathedral of La Laguna. He received a letter of marque from the King of Spain. He established a deep friendship with the nun Sister Mary of Jesus and became romantically involved with Cuban Maria Josefa of Valdespino, with whom he had an illegitimate child, but never married. This son was named Manuel de la Trinidad Amaro. On January 25, 1725 agreed to the nobility to be declared gentleman in Madrid. He founded a chaplaincy for the needy and 3,000 reais earmarked for the poor of the cárcel.1

America carried their own ships laden with wine Malvasia their crops Geneto, Tegueste and Valle Colino, and brandy distilleries got their boilers had in their homes Water Street and La Miravala, the towns of La Laguna and El Socorro (Tegueste), respectively, and sold in Havana and Guyana and in their way, attacking all the English and Dutch ships was making with his loot, he brought back to Spain.2 Amaro Pargo fought some of the most notorious pirates of his time, including Barbanegra.3

Pargo has even become the richest man in the Canarias.4 Islands When her inheritance was substantial, and the natural son appeared in La Laguna demanding his part, but the rest of heirs opusieron.1 Amaro was buried in the convent of Santo Domingo in La Laguna. Because his incessant struggle for the interests of the Spanish Crown against the enemy powers, Amaro Pargo was considered a national hero in his time.


In 2013 the exhumation of his remains was conducted by a team of archaeologists and forensic Autonomous University of Madrid, for the purpose of DNA testing and rebuilding his face. The exhumation was sponsored by the video game company Ubisoft, initially planning to turn Pargo into one of the main characters of its 2013 video game Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.[2]


  1. Amaro Pargo
  2. El pirata canario Amaro Pargo revive con Assassin´s Creed

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