Alonso Enríquez

Alonso Enríquez
Lord of Medina de Rioseco
Admiral of Castile

Arms of Alonso Enríquez
Spouse(s) Juana de Mendoza y de Orozco
Noble family House of Enríquez
Father Fadrique Alfonso, Lord of Haro
Mother Paloma
Born 1354
Died 1429
Buried Monastery of Santa Clara, Palencia

Alonso Enríquez (Guadalcanal, 1354   Guadalupe, 1429) was Lord of Medina de Rioseco and Admiral of Castile.


Alonso Enriquez de Castilla (Guadalcanal, 1354 - Guadalupe, Cáceres, 1429). Alonso was the son of Fadrique Alfonso, 25th Master of the Order of Santiago, and an unnamed lady. His father was murdered on 29 May 1358 in the Alcázar of Seville, on the orders of his brother Peter. He was the founder of the lineage of Enriquez, and is the first Admiral of Castile of his family since 1405, and first lord of Medina de Rio Seco. By paternal grandparents were King Alfonso XI and Leonor de Guzman. He was a brother of Pedro Enriquez de Castilla, Count of Trastámara, Lemos, Sarria, Constable of Castile and beadle greater Santiago. His other sister was Eleanor of Castile and Angulo Enriquez of Cordova, who married the Marshal of Castile Diego Gomez Sarmiento. He was the paternal grandson of King Alfonso XI the Just, a nephew of King Henry II and cousin of King Juan I.


Alonso Enriquez remained hidden while living with his uncle Pedro I of Castile, who ordered to kill his father in 1358 in the Alcazar of Seville. Although contemporary Castilian chroniclers wrapped the figure of his mother in mystery and later genealogists do not mention her, other authors, for example, the Portuguese Fernando Lopez wrote in connection with events that occurred in 1384, that the Admiral was the son of a Jewess. The "Memorial of old things" attributed to the dean of Toledo, Diego de Castilla, said Frederic had Alonso from a Jewess from Guadalcanal called Paloma. Tells a story where King Ferdinand the Catholic was hunting and was a hawk with a heron and both walked away, leaving the king to follow, and Martin de Rojas was always with abandon hawk until he saw the heron and pull after a dove. Asking the king for his hawk, Martin replied, "Lord, there goes after our grandmother", being a descendant of Martin Paloma.1 In 1389, John I of Castile gave him the area around Aguilar de Campos. In later years, he managed to extend his territory. Until 1402, he served the King as a commander and administered the castle of Medina de Rioseco. In 1387, Alonso married Juana de Mendoza y de Orozco. By 1395 his wife returned with the construction of the Monastery of Santa Clara de Palencia, who had been begun by Henry II of Castile and his wife Queen Juana Manuel, projecting the church and cemetery of the Admirals of Castilla. It is conjectured that it must have been at the behest of his wife, which, upon the death of his brother, Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, who held the post of Admiral of Castile, won the title passed to her husband. Office, and transmitted to the female of Mendoza, in addition to military action in the sea, involved civil and criminal jurisdiction over all ports of the kingdom of Granada, culminating three years with the taking of Antequera. Enrique Alonso In 1405 Henry III received the title of Admiral of Castile. The Enríquez family held this post from 1405 to 1705. Alsonso was the most famous admiral in the family, winning many sea battles.

The monastery in Guadelupe where Alonso Enríquez died in 1429

In 1407, he defeated the combined fleet of Tunis (Hafsid), Granada (Nasrid) and Tlemcen (Capital city of the Zianid Kingdom of Tlemcen). This was his last major sea battle. Afterward, he inspected the fleet and led military actions on land, such as the capture of Antequera in 1410. He was involved in the court's political undertakings and in its feasts.[1]

In 1421, John II of Castile granted the lordship of Medina de Rio Seco "and for the many good and loyal and outstanding and distinguished services to the King Don Juan fecisteis my grandfather and to King Henry my father and my lord, and I date abed and fazes me," instead he chose to settle and establish primogeniture in favor of their children. The city is since known as the City of the admirals. At the end of his life, he retired to the monastery of Santa María de Guadalupe, where he died in 1429 at the age of 75. He was buried with his wife and several children in the monastery of Santa Clara de Palencia, which had been fundadores.

In his will, he left the monastery 11000maravedís for the construction of four chapels. His widow donated another 10000maravedís.

The poet and biographer Fernán Pérez de Guzmán, a contemporary of Alonso's, described him as medium sized, chubby, red-haired, discrete and not a talker. The historian Esteban de Garibay (1533–1600) described him as hot-tempered and quickly irritated.

Nuptials and offspring

In 1387, Alonso Enriquez, posing as his servant, Juana de Mendoza asked the widow from the Battle of Aljubarrota August 1385, if I would marry his Lord (himself). The simulator Alonso received the answer that she Alonso Enríquez was the son of a "pig" (family of converted Jews), which slapped the event raised. Rinsing the trickery, it is said that requested the presence of a priest to marry them "for not say that any man had put his hand in it not being her husband." It is also said that on one occasion coming from late night, had to sleep with all his company in the field to receive an explanation the next day, the haughty Mendoza, that "a dignified Castilian does not open the doors of his castle to anyone at night. " The result of his marriage to Juana de Mendoza were born thirteen children:

Out of wedlock had an illegitimate son:

Legend of the Christ of the Clear

In the chapel of the Holy Christ of the Church of Santa Clara de Palencia a reclining Christ is venerated introduced in a glass case. It is said that Alonso ships sailing in the war against the Moors in the years 1407 to 1410, a lookout spotted something strange glowed. Approaching to address it found that it was a glass case that housed the image of Christ yacente. Alonso surprised by the finding in such a place, decided to move to Palenzuela. Being transported on the back of an animal, escorted by soldiers and knights, to reach this Reinoso de Cerrato stubbornly decided to stop in front of the castle where they had resided Clarisse. Let the animal to its air is directed toward the monastery of Poor Clares, deciding it was for these divine decision, so they left the picture there for veneration, now known as the Christ of the Claras.


  1. Esteban Ortega Gato: Los Enríquez, Almirantes de Castilla, Publicaciones de la Institución Tello Téllez de Meneses, ISSN 0210-7317, issue 70, 1999