Ally's World

Ally's World is a series of books written for young adults by Karen McCombie. The first book, The Past, The Present, And The Loud, Loud Girl was first published in the United Kingdom in 2001 by Scholastic. The series consists of fourteen books, not including several spin-offs.

They focus around the Love family and are written from the view of 13 year old Ally. It tells of the family dramas and friendship crisis she has as she grows up in London, England. It is set out as a story for her traveling mother about what her children have been up to in case she ever returns.

List of titles

Main series

1 The Past, the Present and the Loud, Loud Girl (2001)

2 Dates, Double Dates and Big, Big Trouble (2001)

3 Butterflies, Bullies and Bad, Bad Habits (2004)

4 Friends, Freak-outs and Very Secret Secrets (2002)

5 Boys, Brothers and Jelly-belly Dancing (2004)

6 Sisters, Super Creeps and Slushy, Gushy Love-songs (2004)

7 Parties, Predicaments and Undercover Pets (2004)

8 Tattoos, Telltales and Terrible, Terrible Twins (2004)

9 Mates, Mysteries and Pretty Weird Weirdness (2002)

10 Daisy, Dad and the Huge, Small Surprise (2003)

11 Rainbows, Rowan and True, True Romance? (2004)

12 Visitors, Vanishings and Va-va-va Voom (2004)

13 Crushes, Cliques and the Cool School Trip (2004)

14 Hassles, Heart-pings! and Sad, Happy Endings (2004)


Main characters

Alexandra 'Ally' Love

Alexandra Love (aged 13) is the pivotal character in the Ally's World series as it is written in her perspective through a journal she is keeping for her Mother (who is believed to be traveling the world for four years). She is named after Alexandra Palace, which can be seen from her attic bedroom window. In the first book she is said to have three major problems, a gift for her father, a new girl by the name of Kyra Davies that she dislikes and a school History project she is yet to have completed. We find that the History project comes together with great help from the slightly obnoxious, Kyra Davies and they become good friends. Her sister, Rowan, uses the memory box that she was keeping for the sake of their mother, to create a collage type picture for their father as a gift for his 40th birthday. From the very start we also greatly acknowledge that she fancies Alfie, a friend of her sister Linn. At the end of the series, she ends up going out with her best friend Billy after he was dumped by Sandie.

Linnhe Love

Linnhe, or Linn, as she prefers to be called, is seventeen when we first meet her and is described as "perfect" and a "power-mad control freak". She has wavy blonde hair which she blow dries straight. Linn is a 'neat-freak', with a scrupulously tidy bedroom. According to Ally, she would gladly swap their comfortably cluttered house for a new, tidy one in a "micro-second". Her mother and sister are both artsy whereas Linn takes after her grandma and likes everything to be tidy, despite being the only Love child to bear a physical resemblance to their mother. Linn and Rowan constantly fight over little things - especially when it comes to Rowan making dinner. However, they do have moments when they get along very well, such as when Rowan is bullied in the third book. Linn got her name because the day her mother found out she was pregnant with her, she was camping at Loch Linnhe in Scotland. When she finds out Rowan is dating Alfie she goes through a phase of not speaking to Rowan and giving Alfie a bit of the cold shoulder. She eventually come to terms with it but it does not mean she is totally happy about it. She was scared that Alfie would want to see Rowan more than her and it felt like she was losing her best friend. She is often called 'The Grouch-Queen' by Ally and Rowan as she often snaps at them but has soft spots for Ivy and Tor just like most of the family.

Rowan Love

Rowan is fifteen when we first meet her and is described as 'artsy', ditzy and an airhead. She has her own sense of style and is not really scared of how people think of her. But in one of the books the bullying gets to her, making her steal clothes and jewellery and get drunk to cheer herself up, which she fully regrets after she comes to her senses. She has a soft spot for her little brother Tor and her little sister, Ivy and later goes out with Alfie, much to the initial disgust of Linn, who is Alfie's best friend.

Rowan got her name after the famous Rowan tree. Her bedroom is like a "magical fairy grotto" decorated with fairy lights and in one of the later books makes a shrine to Johnny Depp with fairy lights, candles, plastic fruit and figurines. She leaves the candles burning by mistake and it starts a fire blackening her entire room.

Rowan has a life-size tattoo of a ladybird on one arm, circa Tattoos, Telltales and Terrible, Terrible Twins.

Rowan also has her own book (or diary) called 'The Raspberry Rules'. It is set back two years ago when she was 13. It is about fitting in, standing out, and a bit of fairy dust.

Tor Love

Tor is seven when we first meet him and is described by Ally as 'so quiet we sometimes do not know if he's even there', and this quietness leads to Billy calling him 'Spook Kid'. He loves animals to the core, and will do anything to protect his pets. On one occasion, Tor kicks his new neighbors for prodding Winslet, one of his dogs. He is incredibly shy and does not speak much, but he is incredibly excited when a vet moves in the house next door. He climbs over the fence to meet his new neighbor, much to the annoyance of his Dad. Tor got his name from Glastonbury Tor, where his parents visited whilst his mum was pregnant. He is very fond of Ivy and they share a room with bunk beds which they like very much. Tor also has lots of pets himself such as a stick insect called Brian, much to Ally's amusmant. He is a very smart child.

Ivy Love

Ivy was introduced in Daisy, Dad and the Huge, Small, Surprise (Book 10). We find out about Ivy when Ally's Mum comes back home. She says that while she was suffering from postnatal depression, she went away and gave birth to Ivy. Ivy is 3 and 1/2 years old and is a big animal lover (Like Tor.)She has a pet dog called Ben in Cornwall where she has been living for the past 3 and a 1/2 years with her mum. In (Book 11) she reveals to everyone that Rowan likes Alfie whom Ally had a big crush on. Ally and several others describe her as being like Tor, only smaller and with a brown bob and a love for anything pink. Ivy was named after St.Ives. She often sings one word songs in one tune which often gets on peoples nerves but all the same is quite cute. When she is not with Ben she misses him a lot and is very unhappy without him.

Martin Love

Martin is Ally, Linn, Rowan, Tor and Ivy's father. He runs a local bike shop, which does not make much profit. Martin is loved by all his children, but often gets sad about Ally's mother being away (until Book 10). However Ally and her siblings think he is a good, kind dad and can usually tell him their troubles easily. All the Love children have an agreement not to get into trouble at school or misbehave, knowing that their dad has a lot to cope with, with his wife being missing. To take his mind off her and to find something to do, Martin takes up line dancing, which he thinks is fun, but embarrasses Ally and her siblings. Later, when Ally's mum comes back, she too takes up line dancing. Martin never has a girlfriend in the absence of Ally's mother, but at one stage gets a bit too friendly for Ally's liking with Tor's summer craft program teacher, Daisy Wood.

Melanie Love

Melanie is Ally, Linn, Rowan, Tor and Ivy's mother. She first appears in Book 10. She is the reason that Ally started the journals chronicling her family's life, after Ally starts writing them in the hope that if the her mother does some day come back, she can catch up on what she has missed while away. Melanie had been absent for four years up until Book 10. She ran away after giving birth to Tor, suffering postnatal depression and not realizing that she was pregnant with Ivy. She ran away to stay with a friend in Cornwall,Val, and never left, even though Ally and her family thought she had been traveling around the world because she wrote postcards from Cornwall and then gave them to foreign tourists to post from their home countries so it looked as though she was staying in different places. After 4 years she comes back to Crouch End, London for her mother's wedding at her insistence (and with 3 and a 1/2 year-old Ivy in tow). Ally's grandma (Melanie's mother) had actually kept contact with Melanie for about six months before the wedding, but had kept it a secret from Ally's family. When Melanie gets home she receives such a warm reception from her family that she decides to stay two or three weeks and try to sort things out with Ally's dad (Martin). However, things do not work out between them and Linn finds it hard to accept her in the house, so Melanie runs away back to Cornwall with Ivy. However, once they find that they are gone, Ally's family set off to Cornwall and find them, convincing Melanie and Ivy that they want them to stay for good. After a while, Melanie gets used to living back with the Loves and the children learn to accept her welcomingly. Melanie has blonde wavy hair.


Grandma's name is actually Irene and she is described as being a sort of "no-nonsense" and "practical" person who does not mess around with things like panicking and cuddles. She is very brisk and organised and lives in her neat house. While the Loves' mother was away she would come over to their house and often look after them and cook meals for them. She hates mess and untidy surroundings, which is why she often despairs of the Love's busy household. She likes to clean a lot and keep things tidy. It is said that Linn, the eldest Love child takes after her in being a "neat freak" and always serious. During the series, Grandma makes a boyfriend called Stanley, who according to Ally and Tor has very hairy ears. Later on in the series she marries Stanley and it is then that she calls for Ally's mum to come back to London for the wedding and also to get back with her family. She is often loaded with pictures or a 'twig made toothbrush holder' from Tor and Ivy. Which she often seems worried when one of them says "I made something for you!"

Sandie Walker

Sandie (real name Sandra) is Ally's best and closest friend. It is her that Ally tells all her secrets to and Sandie confides in her in return. Sandie has blonde hair and big blue eyes and is at first mistaken for one of the Love children by Stanley when he comes to meet them for the first time and Sandie is staying over for tea. Sandie is very shy and quiet, but later on in the series she gets braver, kissing her boyfriend Billy at a bus stop in front of other people. At the start of the series she cannot stand Billy, who is Ally's best boy mate but when he acts bravely during her mother's birth, Sandie realises that she likes him and starts going out with him. This makes Ally jealous because they are always spending time together instead of with her and also because she discovers later that she likes Billy herself (after he and Sandie break up). Sandie is treated like a baby by her parents, who are very strict and buy her things such as teddy bears and do not let her read teenage magazines like her friends. When Mrs. Walker becomes pregnant, Sandie gets upset and feels ignored by her parents, but soon learns to love her new baby sister (who is called Roberta). She breaks up with Billy when she cheats on him during the geography field trip - Ally catches her kissing Jacob, an attractive student from another school. She starts going out with Jacob properly, and when her family suddenly relocates to Bath in the last book, she is happy to be much nearer to him (as he does not live in London either). She has no resentment when Ally starts going out with Billy, as Ally feared - instead she is quite happy and excited for them.

Billy Stevenson

Billy is Ally's best boy mate and later becomes her boyfriend. He is gangly and always has something stupid to say. Ally thinks he is a great friend, but often despairs of his stupidity, referring to him as a "big berk" or a "muppet" after he does stupid things without thinking, such as shoving an ice-cream in the face of a French exchange student talking to Ally because he thought he was flirting with Sandie, his then girlfriend. Ally often helps Billy with his love-life, helping to get him a date with a sports store assistant Billy has a crush on (Anita), and later helping him patch things up with Sandie after they have a fight. When Billy becomes her boyfriend, Ally realises that she liked him all along without knowing it. Romantic feelings can be seen as early as Boys,Brothers and Jelly-Belly Dancing ,when Ally feels weird when Billy announces his crush on the sports store girl, Anita, and Billy says she looked 'brilliant' when she was doing her belly dancing on stage. Kyra Davies accuses Billy of having a crush on Ally in the fourth book, and comes up with the theory that 'girls and guys can never be friends because fancying each other always gets in the way'. Ally is shocked by Kyra's theory but she has doubts about it. In the final book when Billy becomes her boyfriend, Billy is constantly following Ally everywhere, indicating a crush on her. He is also strangely huffy when Ally goes out with "boring" Keith Brownlow in Angels, Arguments and a Furry, Merry Christmas. Ally says that Billy is a clumsy geek, but almost good looking.

Kyra Davies

Kyra Davies is Ally's closest friend after Billy and Sandie. She first moves to Crouch End in The Past, Present and the Loud Loud Girl and appears to be loud, obnoxious and rude; this image turns out to be a front for her insecurity that she will be excluded and will not make friends at a new school. She is used to moving around, due to having an alcoholic mother who cannot control herself and embarrasses Kyra's father with her states at his job and he continues to relocate the family looking for a fresh start. It is revealed that she began drinking after a miscarriage, but is recovering and her alcoholism seem to be in the past by the later books. Kyra has a tough relationship with her mother due to this, however in Parties, Predicaments and Undercover Pets they agree to try to be friends. Kyra is described as a tall, pretty, mixed-race girl with curly hair and sticky-out ears. She has no shame and often annoys Ally with her remarks that can be sometimes rather rude. Aside from this annoyance, she proves to be a good friend and often makes sacrifices for her friends, like spending an entire weekend fixing Ally's ruined project, or pretending that she has a crush on Alfie to save Ally the embarrassment. Her perpetual state is bored, and enjoys shopping. Kyra can be quite ridiculous and illogical, like wearing mini-skirts and platform heels to go hiking. Ally describes Kyra's feet as 'whiffy'. She on and off dates Richie-Ricardo, however decides she likes Feargal O'Leary in Crushes, Cliques and the Cool School Trip and they start going out in the last book and do not break up.


Salma Hernandez is one of Ally's second-circle friends. She is really pretty, and Ally often feels very plain in her presence. She is also known to tell it like it is, which sometimes comes off as mean like "Jen, that jumper makes you look like a sheep with boobs." Salma lives with her two twin toddler sisters, Rosa and Julia, with her mum and her partner, often leaving Salma as their caretaker. She also has an older sister with a toddler the same age, Laurel, who joins the pack that Salma is constantly looking after and referring to as 'the monsters'. She has had one boyfriend before, whom she dumped because their dates always had three or four of his friends tagging along.


Chloe Brennan is one of Ally's second-circle friends. She is Irish, with red hair and green eyes (and is angered when referred to as ginger). Her family seems to be well-off and live in a fancy flat over a shop owned by her father. Chloe is known for telling funny stories, being dramatic and complaining. She and Ally go through a brief fight over Christmas when she steals Ally's idea for the winter show, but make up soon enough. It takes a very long time for Chloe and Kyra to become friends, as they are both pushy and dramatic, their similarities cause an immediate dislike between the two and it is only until Chloe witnesses Kyra being kind to Rowan in Butterflies, Bullies and Bad Bad Habits that she accepts Kyra is not a 'psycho' like she previously believed.


Kellie (full name Kellie-Ann) Vincent is one of Ally's good friends, whom she regards as her second circle. She is described as having dark skin and curly hair. She lives with her mum in a modest flat, who is a devout Christian and a great cook. Kellie desperately loves the Princess Diaries movie, knows all the words to the movie and wishes she was the protagonist, Mia. Kellie contributes to the plotlines of a few books: for instance, she introduces the spellbook to the group in Mates, Mysteries and Pretty Weird Weirdness. In Visitors, Vanishings and Va-va-va Voom Kellie is seen as a gossip queen and acknowledged by Ally as being able to obtain information and gossip easily, and is used to find the whereabouts of the sought-after French exchange students. She also accompanies Ally, Kyra, and Sandie on their geography field trip and rooms with them throughout Crushes, Cliques and the Cool School Trip, where it is revealed she has a crush on their classmate Marc. Kyra teases Kellie slightly, for Marc is gigantically tall and lanky, but he and Kellie appear to be going out at the end of Hassles, Heart-pings! and Sad, Happy Endings.


Jen Hudson is one of Ally's good friends, a part of her second circle group. She is described as being quite small, a brown bob with doll-like features and small eyes, later getting small braces. She has an older sister who is similar-looking. Jen is extremely giggly, and her middle name is Juniper. Ally reports Jen as being the only capable one of speaking understandable French. She lives with her mother and sister after her father left them for a ukelele player in his folk band (whom Ally thinks looks like Eddie Izzard). Before the divorce, her parents were quite strict and insisted on minimal television watching and wholesome foods, not knowing that she would sneak over to Kellie's to watch Eastenders and eat chocolate biscuits. Jen plays a major part in the book Visitors, Vanishings and Va-Va-Va-Voom as (unknown to the rest of the group at the time) her parents are splitting up and unable to deal with it, she runs away. However she is found in the Love's garden shed with Tabitha the cat, and it seems that she did not really wish to leave, merely escape the upset of her own home. Melanie assures Jen that it is okay to return even though she is scared, having felt the same way about her own absence. Jen is later reported as to starting to rebuild her relationship with her father, however slowly in Hassles, Heart-Pings! and Sad Happy Endings.


Stanley is Grandma's boyfriend, whom she starts dating in Dates, Double Dates and Big, Big Trouble. He is a retired engineer and Ally likes him a lot apart from having a large amount of ear-hair. Grandma and Stanley get married in Daisy, Dad and the Huge Small Surprise. Over the course of the books it is revealed that he loves chocolate éclairs, has an 18-year old grandson named Jamie with dreadlocks, who dates a married mum of three, and has ridden a camel with bad breath.


Kyra's on-and-off boyfriend throughout the series, and a friend of Billy's. He meets Kyra in the second book at Burger King, and unknowingly sets Ally and Billy up on a blind date. He introduces himself to her as Ricardo in an effort to sound more appealing until Billy bursts the bubble by admitting he is just plain Richie to everyone else. While Ally acknowledges he is very good-looking, she also believes him to have the personality of sludge and thinks Kyra wastes her time with him. He is apparently a very good kisser, and Ally and Sandie saw Kyra and Richie kissing outside the cinema in the fourth book. but tells tall tales and no-one thinks very highly of him. He is an extremely bad singer, evidenced by the love songs he recorded on a cassette for Kyra in order to win her back. They finally split for good in the last book, as Kyra starts going out with Feargal.

Uncle Joe and Aunty Pauline

Joe is Martin's only brother and only living blood relative, Pauline being his wife. Joe emigrated to Canada and rarely sees Ally's dad, which makes him sad because their mother is not alive anymore. They come back to visit in Tattoos, Telltales and Terrible, Terrible Twins. However, Joe is a rude, large bully who is constantly punching Martin, competing with him or putting down everyone/thing around the Love household, including making a slightly racist remark about Kyra. Pauline is nosy and rude, interfering to the point of packing up Melanie's clothes to have them donated to charity while she is gone. She believes Ally is off-the-rails and troublesome, and often tells Rowan she could be more attractive if she tried. They are rude to the point of Grandma finally shutting them down; they leave for Canada and everyone is much, much happier that they have left.

Feargal O'Leary

Feargal is a boy who attends Ally's school and makes his first appearance in Parties, Predicaments and Undercover Pets. He is shown to be a bad-ass type who talks back to teachers and always wears his hood up. Feargal appears to have an extreme dislike to Ally when he steals her journal only to repeats it back to her and mock her about its contents, however the rest of her friends try to tell her it is because he likes her. Ally does not believe this until he admits it himself at a party at Kyra's house; she changes her mind about him and agrees to go on a date with him. In Tattoos, Telltales and Terrible Terrible Twins Ally reports to having gone on a few dates with him, but he ends their casual dating when Ally is forced to bring her cousin Carli along. Carli tells Feargal that Billy and Ally spend all their time in her room lying on her bed together and despite Ally's insisting that they are just friends Feargal dumps her. He does not make another appearance until Crushes, Cliques and the Cool School Trip where he goes on the geography trip with them. Feargal and Ally overcome their differences and they become kind of friends; this is also when Kyra decides she likes Feargal too. It is not until the end of Hassles, Heart-Pings! and Sad Happy Endings that the two start going out. Ally attributes this to Kyra persistently annoying Feargal until he wearily agrees to go out with her, however it is shown that he really does like her.

Carli and Charlie

Ally's twin 9-year-old cousins who, according to the Love family, look like evil elves. Charlie enjoys torturing the various pets of the house and being rude to everyone in general. Carlie is a narc, who spies on Ally's conversations and reports the worst back in order to make Ally look bad to her family. She is also a thief, and enjoys pilfering makeup from Ally's room and necklaces from Melanie's closet. They appear in book #8 (Tattos, Tell Tales and Terrible, Terrible Twins).


Linn's friend and Ally's long time crush. Ally goes into dream mode when she sees or speaks to him but always keeps in her mind that they will never go out,though most of the time went she sees him, she thinks (or rather hopes) that he has come to see her, and in Mates,Mysteries and Pretty Weird Weirdness,she sees Alfie in the kitchen and hopes he came to hang out with her. Alfie has blonde hair and is skinny but muscly as well. He goes out with Rowan in book 11 after he tips her off to the local newspaper that she was in a fashion magazine. Alfie and Rowan have fancied each other for a long time, Linn has a problem with this for a while but soon accepts that she can still be friends with Alfie and Rowan can still be his girlfriend. Rowan admitted to Ally, after Ally saw a love bite on her neck, that she is in love with Alfie, has fancied him deep down since Linn bought him home and that she thinks he is gorgeous. Alfie has a "cute" leather bracelet and a gold tooth in his "heart-bursting" smile.


Linn's friend who is going to Edinburgh University like Linn. When Linn is mad that Rowan and Alfie are going out Nadia says it might be because Linn is jealous. This makes Linn very mad.


Mary is Linn's friend who is also going to Edinburgh University like Linn and Nadia. In Hassels, Heart-pings! and sad, happy endings... Linn advises Ally how to get Billy a new girlfriend. She says that Mary got her cousin Ross and Nadia together.


Rowan's friend. In Boys, brothers and jelly belly dancing, Ally, Rowan and Von go to belly-dancing classes. Grandma strongly disapproves of Von, because Von dyes her hair, has a tattoo and has a nose piercing.


Rowan's other friend. Chazza is in a band. The band is called NNHLTR which is Annihilator with the vowels taken out. Rowan thinks it's amazingly clever. Linn thinks opposite. Chazza has a piercing on his eyebrow which her Grandma severely disproves of. Rowan admires them greatly and is envious of their freedom, stating in the third book that "Von and Chazza can do anything they like,"


Winslet is The Love families pet dog. She has short legs and is habitually grumpy. She was found by Tor and Rowan, lost, and he named her after watching Titanic and falling in love with Kate Winslet. She was originally named "Kate" but it was decided that this name did not suit a grumpy dog like Winslet. She has kleptomanic tendencies as is shown in some of the books-she hides things belonging to the Love family, such as socks and bills.


Rolf is the Love family's other pet dog, who is named after Rolf Harris. He has long legs. Rolf usually shows a tendency to eat anything he can get his paws on. In the spinoff, A Guided Tour of Ally's World, Ally jokes that her three best friends are Sandie, Kyra and Rolf, but then she adds, "Only kidding, Billy!"

Mad Max

Mad Max is Tor's hamster. He inherited him from school as he is psychopathic and bites violently - he was going to be put down until Tor took him home. He is used to test out people's personalities by Tor, who offers Max to new people he is not sure about. He only warmed up to Kyra when Mad Max did not bite her and squeaked happily.

Stanley (Lumpy) the goldfish

Another of Tor's pet who he inherited from a friend. Named Lumpy by Ally for the large growth on his side, Tor officially names him Stanley after deciding he likes Grandma's new boyfriend. Stanley/Lumpy dies at the beginning of Mates, Mysteries and Pretty Weird Weirdness and is given an official burial in the garden, with a small cross, conch shell and mermaid to remember the spot (however Winslet is seen digging it up minutes after the funeral). Tor believes that Lumpy/Stanley has come back to haunt the house when strange things happen, not realising it is Kyra pulling pranks on Ally.


Colin is the Love family's three-legged cat. He's also ginger, which distinguishes him from the rest of their cats. In the first book, he sleeps on Ally's head when she's sleeping and purrs, making her wonder if she has come down with 'Vibrating Head Syndrome'.

Cats that aren't Colin

The Love family has a total of five cats, however they are all black and white except for Colin, making it hard for Ally to tell the difference between them at a glance. Because of this, she usually just refers to any black and white cat in the story as "a cat that isn't Colin". The others cats are Frankie (who has a bent tail), Derek (who has crossed eyes), Eddie (who has fight-chewed ears) and Fluffy (who is, obviously, fluffy, and has no tail). In the fourth book, Ally wonders why they named the cat Fluffy because 'she has a personality as fluffy as concrete'. Tor is able to tell all of the black and white cats apart easily.


Ben is Ivy's dog, a yellow Labrador. Ally claims that before she met Ben, she never knew that dogs could grin. Ben is left behind when Ivy and Melanie first go back to London and Ivy misses him, so Ally tries to cheer her up by singing 'Ben' by Michael Jackson. Ivy says she knows the song too, but the song she knew simply had one word in it: Ben, over and over again.

Harry & Michael

Harry and Michael are the gay couple that moved in next to the Love household. Michael is also a vet which means he ends up being great friends with Tor. Tor often wants to visit them and Harry and Michael are very considerate in giving Tor little presents like a dog bowl (Don't worry. Tor likes this stuff). When Tor sets up a stall at the féte the couple happily spend money on lucky dip animal facts even though Tor told them all the night before and 'were so nice they did not even yawn,'


Tabitha is Harry & Michael's cat, who is white, very furry and likes to steal the Love family's cats' food. She sometimes fights with Fluffy the other cat much to Tor's disappointment.


Mushu was the Siamese-cross kitten that Kyra got in the book, Parties, Predicaments, and Undercover Pets. But when Kyra's parents find out about the kitten, they are less than impressed, but in the end they let her keep him. Being Kyra she decides she's 'bored' of Mushu and he ends up being passed on to Ally, in the end Mushu is left with Grandma. Grandma likes Mushu because he does not shed much, unlike other cats. She admits that she does not shoo Mushu off the bed sometimes, even though he's not supposed to be there.