Allen Sangree

Allen Sangree
Born Allen Luther Sangree
Died March 2, 1924 (aged 4546)
Trenton, New Jersey, United States
Nationality American
Genre Sports Writer, War Journalist
Subject Baseball Writer, Boer War

Allen Luther Sangree, also as Allan or Alan


Father: Milton H. Sangree, Mother: Jane E. Hudson. Born around 1878, most likely in the Harrisburg or Steelton Pennsylvania area[1]

Attended Gettysburg College (class of 1892)[2] [3][4][5][6] Member of the Sigma Chi Theta fraternity[7]

On the staff of the New York Sun some time around 1896[1]

With the New York World as a correspondent traveling to Africa reporting on the trouble between Great Britain and the South Africa Republic prior to the Boer war.[8] He reported for the Collier's Weekly during the Boer War[9] as well as for Cosmopolitan[10][11]


Incidentally the favorite baseball paper this summer, if merit counts in making popularity, will be the Evening World. With the best baseball men in the country, Allen Sangree and Bozeman Bulger, sticking closer to the Giants and the Highlanders then the lamb ever stuck to Mary, there will be little of straight baseball or the humorous incident characteristic of the game that readers of the Evening World will miss.

In fact, Mr. Sangree and Mr. Bulger are sure to knock out a home run every day.

— Edgrens Column (March 1st, 1905), New York Evening World[12]

Started writing as one of the featured baseball writers for the New York Evening World on March 11, 1905[13]

Allen Sangree, newspaper man, author, world-wanderer, and one of the cleverest pencillers who ever sat behind the wired screen at a baseball game, is a happy husband today ...

— New York Evening World (Nov 4th 1905)[14]

Married Kate Bradley (1888–1952) on November 4, 1905

On October 2, 1908 Allen Sangree was asked by William McMutrie Speer[15] (a member of the editorial staff of the World) via the city editor George Carteret,

to locate some Panamanians who had recently came to town with a possible connection to William Nelson Cromwell and the Panama Canal. Allen was unable to locate them, reported back to the editorial staff with no story and the assignment was crossed off. However Allen's investigation did appear to have stirred up William Nelson Cromwell's PR staff who approached Caleb Van Hamm (the managing editor) and "demanded ... what the World meant by getting after his boss without giving him a look-in."[16][17]

... Quite a few of our old friends and acquaintances have left us Sid. Are Alan Sangree and Bill MacBeth still present? And is Bill Farnsworth still on that Atlanta paper? ..."

— letter from Hal Chase to Sid Mercer (1942), Hal Chase[18]

Died March 2, 1924 in Trenton NJ after having been hospitalized for a breakdown two years earlier[9]


A turn of the century (1900's) writer.

Early references

1892 he had a position with McClure's syndicate in New York and wrote for McClure's magazine.

South Africa and the Boer War

"General DeWet and His Campaign," is the title of a well-written and beautifully Illustrated article in the May number of The Cosmopolitan. To quote the editor of this magazine: "Nothing which has appeared in The Cosmopolitan for a long time will be received with as much interest as this authentic picture of General De Wet, the strategist, and his campaign. Mr. Allen Sangree, who was with General De Wet in a large number of his campaigns, is one of the distinguished men who risked their lives to present to the world a vivid account of what many military men believe to be the most wonderful campaign ever fought in any age."

Portions of Mr. Sangree's article are extremely pathetic. He speaks of the young Burghers, "many of them mere school children whose astonishing adventures will scarcely be believed by posterity," who will nevertheless, "go down in history as the bravest of the brave." Speaking of De Wet an author says: "Compared with his achievements, those of Baden-Powell or Kitchener are like a burning match dropped in the ocean."

— 'Dominicana: A Magazine of Catholic Literature (1901)[8]

Sports writer

The fundamental reason for the popularity of the game is the fact that it is a national safety valve. Voltaire says that there are no real pleasures without real needs. Now a young, ambitious and growing nation needs to "let off steam." Baseball furnishes the opportunity. Therefore, it is a real pleasure.... That is what baseball does for humanity. It serves the same purpose as a revolution in Central America or a thunderstorm on a hot day.... A tonic, an exercise, a safety-valve, baseball is second only to Death as a leveler. So long as it remains our national game, America will abide no monarchy, and anarchy will be too slow

— Allen Sangree (1907) , New York World

Mr. Allen Sangree, the well-known sporting writer, has made a most valuable addition to baseball literature by his recent volume of tales from the diamond. This attractive little book published by the G. W. Dillingham Co., contains seven thrilling stories which embody in full measure, all the fire and dash and enthusiasm of the great game they typify. ... It is most fitting that baseball should have a literature all its own, and no inconsiderable step in the attainment of this literature is represented in this bright, clever and interesting volume from the pen of Mr. Sangree

— book reviewer (Jan 1912) , BaseBall Magazine[26]

Other Works

Poet "Your Old Uncle Sam" which was put to the music of the Old Grey Mare[9][28]


Short Stories


Samuel Gompers and the labor movement

There is a reference to Allen Sangree in the papers of Samuel Gompers where a friend, writes

... The Manufacturer's Association has organized a "Secret Service" system, the business of which will be to procure information as to the habits of labor leaders, and for the purpose of obtaining evidence of something of a criminal character against such leaders. I am informed that they are particularly anxious to get something on you. ... A man named Allen Sangree is the general manager, and the information that I have is that he has fifty men employed under him. This Mr. Sangree was formerly employed on the New York Journal as its "Sporting Editor"

— John Morrison (Oct 22, 1907), Private correspondence, Samuel Gompers Papers[29]

There is a reference in the US Congressional Record [30]

Briefly, Mr. Brownell sent Allen Sangree to Maine last February or March to

assist Dr. Crockett in preparing the book on Gompers' career in Maine. ...


  1. 1.0 1.1 Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of Dauphin County, Containing Sketches of Representative Citizens, and Many of the Early Scotch-Irish and German Settlers. Chambersburg, Pa.: J. M. Runk & Company. 1896. pp. 273–274. Retrieved 2007-08-18.
  2. "Local Happenings". New Oxford Item. 1916-07-20.
  3. Stover, Clyde B.; Charles M. Beechem (1932). The alumni record of Gettysburg College, 1832-1932. Gettysburg PA: Gettysburg College. p. 778.
  4. "Residence directory of the Sigma Chi Fraternity: the chapter rolls, alphabetical and residence indices, together with a historical sketch of the Fraternity since 1890". Residence Directory of the Sigma Chi Fraternity (The Sigma Chi Fraternity): 592. 1902. Retrieved 2007-08-16.
  5. Some early references say Pennsylvania College, which was the original name for Gettysburg College.
  6. Oral Sangree family history has it that Milton H. Sangree placed great importance in attending college.
  7. Fraternity, Sigma Chi (1889). "The Sigma Chi quarterly: the official organ of the Sigma Chi Fraternity". The Sigma Chi Quarterly (The Fraternity) VIII: 41. Retrieved 2007-08-16.
  8. 8.0 8.1 "review". Dominicana (Dominican College) II (1): 361. January 1901. Retrieved 2007-08-15.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 "Obit". New York Times. March 3, 1924. p. 17.
  10. Sangree, Allen (May 1901). "General De Wet and His Campaign". Cosmopolitan.
  11. Sangree, Allen (June 1901). "The Youngest Soldiers in the World". Cosmopolitan.
  12. "Edgrens Column". New York Evening World. March 1, 1905. p. 12. Retrieved 2007-08-16.
  13. "New York Evening World". New York Evening World. March 11, 1905. p. 6. Retrieved 2007-08-16.
  14. "Allen Sangree Takes A Bride". New York Evening World. November 4, 1905. p. 6. Retrieved 2007-08-16.
  15. Information about William McMutrie Speer's papers "William McMurtrie Speer Papers 1880-1936". Columbia University Libraries. Retrieved 2007-08-18.
  16. Seitz, Don Carlos (1924). Joseph Pulitzer, his life & letters. New York: Simon & Schuster. p. 352.
  17. It appears that this series of events ended with the libel suite against Joseph Pulitzer, Caleb Van Hamm and Robert Hunt Lyman of the New York World as well as the World itself, and the Press Publishing Company for libel against William Nelson Cromwell, J.P. Morgan, Douglas Robinson, Charles P. Taft, Elihu Root, and Theodore Roosevelt. The case went to the US Supreme Court with a unanimous ruling in favor of the New York World United States v. Press Publishing Company, 219 U.S. 1 (1911). See also McHam, David. "Class notes on Judicial Review". University of Huston. Retrieved 2007-08-18. for some commentary on the actual libel case.
  18. Kohout, Martin Donell (2001). Hal Chase: The Defiant Life and Turbulent Times of Baseball's Biggest Crook. McFarland & Company. pp. 271, 272. ISBN 0-7864-1067-1.
  19. "Books and Magazines". The Salt Lake Herald: 5. February 12, 1900. Retrieved 2007-08-16.
  21. Wheeler, Edward Jewitt (1901). "Current Literature: 1901".
  22. van Hartesveldt, Fred R. (May 30, 2000). The Boer War: Historiography and Annotated Bibliography (Bibliographies of Battles and Leaders). Greenwood Press. p. 182. ISBN 978-0-313-30627-3.
  23. Sangree, Allen (1911). "The Jinx: Stories of the Diamond".
  24. Quinion, Michael. "Words to the Wise, your Etymological Queries Answered". Archived from the original on 27 September 2007. Retrieved 2007-08-14.
  25. The book review from the New York Times implies that the word Jinx was not in the dictionary at that time "Book review". New York Times. October 29, 1911. Retrieved 2007-08-14.
  26. "Baseball Books, Recent additions to the Literature of the National Game". Baseball Magazine VIII (3). January 1912. Retrieved 2007-08-14.
  27. "Sportswriters: BBWAA Members, 1911-1914". Society for American Baseball Research. 2002-08-02. Retrieved 2007-08-15.
  28. Rust, Brian (May 30, 1999). The Columbia Master Book Discography, Volume II: Principal U.S. Matrix Series, 1910-1924 (Discographies). Greenwood Press. p. 223. ISBN 978-0-313-30822-2.
  29. Gompers, Samuel; Stuart J Kaufman; Peter J. Albert; Grace Palladino (May 25, 1999). The Samuel Gompers Papers, Vol. 7: The American Federation of Labor under Siege, 1906-1909 (Samuel Gompers Papers). University of Illinois Press. pp. 256, 257n.
  30. 63rd Congress First Session (July 22 – August 14, 1913). Maintenance of a lobby to influence legislation / hearings before a subcommittee of the committee on the judiciary United States Senate. Vol 4. US Congress. pp. 1909, 1910.