All flesh is grass

All flesh is grass is a much-quoted phrase from the Old Testament, Isaiah 40:6 (Hebrew: כָּל־הַבָּשָׂ֣ר חָצִ֔יר kol basar chatsir). In the New Testament the phrase reoccurs in the First Epistle of Peter (see 1Peter 1:24; Greek: πᾶσα σὰρξ ὡς χόρτος, pasa sarx hōs chortos). In both cases the phrase is interpreted to mean that human life is transitory. It has been used in various works, including:

• In the Michael Cimino film, Heaven's Gate (1980), John Hurt's character Billy Irvine mutters it to himself as, appalled, he drunkenly watches a battle unfold around him and is then killed.