All India Youth Federation

AIYF poster in Kerala

All India Youth Federation is the youth wing of Communist Party of India. AIYF is a member of World Federation of Democratic Youth. AIYF was started by Balraj Sahni, Sarda Mitra and P.K. Vasudevan Nair among others, in 1959. The All India Youth Federation (AIYF) came into being in 1959. Till that year constituent units and organizations existed independently in the various states and regions of India. The different state, district and local democratic youth organizations used to function separately, though there was some kind of co-ordination between them to a lesser or greater degree. The separate youth organizations, which later formed the AIYF, were gradually evolving common aims and objects, and in the course of time felt the need for an organisation at national level. Firebrand Communist and the youngest Councillor of Delhi MCD, Guru Radha Kishan took initiative to organise the first meet of upcoming organisation to be held in Delhi. First conference of the All India Youth Federation was held from April 28 to May 3, 1959 in Delhi. 250 delegates and observers representing youth organizations of eleven (11) states attended this six-day session. The AIYF conference decided to affiliate itself to the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) and thus to be a part of world youth movement. Comrade Sarda became the first general secretary of AIYF.

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