All India Students Association

All India Students' Association (AISA) is a radical Left-wing politics students' organization, with a vision of “A New India and A New World.’. AISA was founded in Allahabad on 9 August 1990. It came into existence with the merger of many like minded state-based students' organizations like All Bihar Students' Association, All Bengal Students' Association etc., to form an all-India level students' organization.

The radical students' has been in power in JNU Students' Union (JNUSU) over two decades now, marching forward with the revolutionary red flag.

Since 2012, the AISA has established itself as third largest students' front in Delhi University Student Union (DUSU). AISA pioneered the movement against Delhi University's controversial Four Year Undergraduate Programme (FYUP). In a combined effort with DUTA it ensured roll back of FYUP. Recently it organised mass delegation against the proposed reforms under CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) in Delhi University. It also carried out an online petition campaign against the introduction of the CBCS along with DUTA. Its stand against attempts of ban culture(ban on Khalsa College's play) by right-wing led DUSU, garnered tremendous student response in March, 2015.

From the outset, it has defeated the mainstream student union parties in its bastions at JNU, BHU, Allahabad University and Kumaon University. In the years that followed, AISA has been at the forefront of all struggles for student rights as well as larger democratic issues.The founding conference of AISA was on 9th August, Kranti Divas, at Allahabad. The second national conference was held in Delhi in 1994, the third in 1998 at Patna, the fourth in Allahabad (2001), the fifth in Calcutta (2004), and the sixth has recently concluded at Muzaffarpur.

AISA has mobilized the student community across campuses on issues such as opposing fee hikes, against the package of commercialization of education and the anti-student recommendations of Knowledge Commission, against the BJP’s communal-fascist politics and Congress’s anti-people economic policies. The radical students union have stood for declaring education and employment as basic rights and have opposed the attack on campus democracy and student rights in the name of the Lyngdoh Committee recommendations.

AISA took streets of Delhi after 16 December 2012--Nirbhaya gangrape case. The students party not only mobilised the massive protest against government failure but also demanded larger framework women safety. AISA successfully launched 'Bekhauf Azadi' campaign for stronger women safety laws and gender sensatisation.

It was fighting for these ideals and against the criminalization of politics that AISA’s prominent leader and two-time JNUSU president, Comrade Chandrasekhar was martyred in the Siwan district of Bihar. The party's is firm believer in ideology of the revolutionary legacy of Bhagat Singh and Chandrasekhar — the Revolutionary transformation of society. It gives voice to student’s creative energy through processions, demonstrations, seminars, street plays, film shows and revolutionary songs on various issues of our times. We appeal you all to come with us and participate in all these activities and play a significant role in transforming society. It is associated with Communist Party of India(Marxist Leninist){CMPI-ML}

The organization is currently operating in 16 states of India, namely Delhi, UP, Bihar, Uttarakhand, Assam, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Orissa, Tripura, Maharashtra.


[1] Recently began an online petition capmaign against the introduction of CBCS (choice based credit system) in delhi university along with DU Times and DUTA[2] [3] [4]
