All Bodo Students Union

All Bodo Students' Union (ABSU) is a students organization (non-political) formed in 1967 in the Bodoland region of Assam, India. The ABSU under the leadership of Upendranath Brahma supported the movement for a state within Assam, to be called Bodoland for all tribal communities living on the North Bank of River Brahmaputra in Assam. The demand for Bodoland is the result of years of exploitation by the ruling Assamese communities in the post colonial Assam.

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We, the all Bodo Students, with purity of heart, solemnly resolve to unite the student of various Bodo groups living in different part of the world into an organization for better and mutual understanding among ourselves to safeguard and develop the socio-economy, culture, tradition, language and literature of the great Bodo nationality, and tis organization be known the All Bodo Students Union (ABSU). The All Bodo Students Union (ABSU) was founded on 15 February 1967 at Kokrajhar Tribal Rest House with a view of comprising all the students of Bodo Groups of the world and working for the causes enshrined in the aims and objectives of the Union’s Constitution.

CONSTITUTION OF THE ALL BODO STUDENTS UNIONS (ABSU) CHAPTER –II AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 3. The main aims and objectives of the ABSU is to promote language, literature and culture of the Bodos. The Union shall try to achieve better and mutual understanding among the Bodo students and people of different parts of India and abroad. The Union shall make efforts, particularly to find out ways and means to: (a) propagate the education through the mother tongue, (Bodo language) among the masses. (b) improve and develop the Bodo language and literature through various literary activities, publication works etc. (c) work for the welfare and development of the students community in the educational field. (d) safeguard and develop the culture of the Bodos. (e) develop the Bodo nation economically by taking economic agenda and programs from time of time. (f) tackle and settle the political issues if and when the existence of the Bodo people is threatened, though the ABSU is a non-political organization. (g) struggle to achieve the rights and privileges given in the Indian Constitution through democratic process. (h) support the principle of democratic socialism for economic emancipation. But the Union shall welcome the principles of new economic order that may emerge from time to time. (i) fight for ensuring safety & security, dignity & securing Human Rights and Civil Liberty of the Bodo Nationality living around the world.

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