All-time Pan American Games medal table

Swimmer Thiago Pereira of Brazil holds the gold medal he won in 2007.

An all-time medal table for all Pan American Games from 1951 to 2007, is tabulated below. PASO (Pan American Sports Organization) itself does not publish all-time tables, and publishes unofficial tables only per single Games. This table was thus compiled by adding up single entries from the PASO database.[1]

The results are attributed to the IOC country code as currently displayed by the IOC database. Usually, a single code corresponds to a single National Olympic Committee (NOC). When different codes are displayed for different years, medal counts are combined in the case of a simple change of IOC code (such as from TRT to TRI for Trinidad and Tobago) or simple change of country name (such as from British Honduras to Belize). As the medals are attributed to each NOC, not all totals include medals won by athletes from that country for another NOC, such as before independence of that country (see individual footnotes for special cases such as combined teams). Names in italic are national entities that no longer exist.

NOCs with medals

The table is pre-sorted by the name of each Olympic Committee, but can be displayed as sorted by any other column, such as the total number of gold medals or total number of overall medals. To sort by gold, silver, and then bronze (as used unofficially by the IOC) and by most broadcasters outside the US and Canada sort first by the bronze column, then the silver, and then the gold.[2][3]

Team (IOC code) № Summer Gold Silver Bronze Total № Winter Gold Silver Bronze Total № Games Gold Silver Bronze Combined Total
 Antigua and Barbuda (ANT)8103400000 8 1 0 3 4
 Argentina (ARG)1627930540799110000 17 279 305 407 991
 Bahamas (BAH)14713113100000 14 7 13 11 31
 Barbados (BAR)120391200000 12 0 3 9 12
 Belize (BIZ)7002200000 7 0 0 2 2
 Bermuda (BER)11143800000 11 1 4 3 8
 Bolivia (BOL)8014510000 9 0 1 4 5
 Brazil (BRA)16287319460106610000 17 287 319 460 1066
 Canada (CAN)15377586733169612417 16 379 590 734 1703
 Cayman Islands (CAY)6141600000 6 1 4 1 6
 Chile (CHI)15408613225810000 16 40 86 132 258
 Colombia (COL)158113319841210000 16 81 133 198 412
 Costa Rica (CRC)145681900000 14 5 6 8 19
 Cuba (CUB)16839566527193200000 16 839 566 527 1932
 Dominica (DMA)4011200000 4 0 1 1 2
 Dominican Republic (DOM)15265210218000000 15 26 52 102 180
 Ecuador (ECU)15212146880000015 21 21 46 88
 El Salvador (ESA)1517111900000 15 1 7 11 19
 Grenada (GRN)6012300000 6 0 1 2 3
 Guatemala (GUA)151414376500000 15 14 14 37 65
 Guyana (GUY)1524121800000 15 2 4 12 18
 Haiti (HAI)15025700000 15 0 2 5 7
 Honduras (HON)9014500000 9 0 1 4 5
 Jamaica (JAM)1522425812200000 15 22 42 58 122
 Mexico (MEX)1619724846091510000 17 197 248 460 915
 Netherlands Antilles (AHO)1459173100000 14 5 9 17 31
 Nicaragua (NCA)120471100000 12 0 4 7 11
 Panama (PAN)15318254600000 15 3 18 25 46
 Paraguay (PAR)7016700000 7 0 1 6 7
 Peru (PER)14530599400000 14 5 30 59 94
 Puerto Rico (PUR)15278012122800000 15 27 80 121 228
 Saint Lucia (LCA)4002200000 4 0 0 2 2
 Saint Kitts and Nevis (SKN)5020200000 5 0 2 0 2
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VIN)5001100000 5 0 0 1 1
 Suriname (SUR)103251000000 10 3 2 5 10
 Trinidad and Tobago (TRI)14820275500000 14 8 20 27 55
 United States (USA)16186113799324172142511 17 1865 1381 937 4183
 Uruguay (URU)151112417300000 1511 12 41 73
 Virgin Islands (ISV)100461000000 10 0 4 6 0
 Venezuela (VEN)168518325752500000 16 85 183 257 525
Totals 15 3845 3827 4300 11972 1 6 6 6 18 16 3851 3833 4306 11990

NOCs without medals

As of the conclusion of the 2011 Pan American Games, two of the current forty-one National Olympic Committees that have competed at a Pan American Games have yet to win a Pan American Games medal.

Team (IOC code) № Summer № Winter № Games
 Aruba (ARU) 6 0 6
 British Virgin Islands (IVB) 7 0 7

Ranked medal table

Rank Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total
1  United States 186113799334173
2  Cuba 8395665271932
3  Canada 3775867331696
4  Brazil 2873194601066
5  Argentina 279305407991
6  Mexico 197248460915
7  Venezuela 84183257524
8  Colombia 81133198412
9  Chile 4086132258
10  Puerto Rico 2780121228
11  Dominican Republic 2652102180
12  Jamaica 224258122
13  Ecuador 21214688
14  Guatemala 14143765
15  Uruguay 11244378
16  Trinidad and Tobago 8202755
17  Bahamas 7131131
18  Peru 5305994
19  Netherlands Antilles 591731
20  Costa Rica 56819
21  Panama 3182546
22  Suriname 32510
23  Guyana 241218
24  El Salvador 171119
25  Bermuda 1438
26  Cayman Islands 1416
27  Antigua and Barbuda 1034
28  Nicaragua 04711
29  United States Virgin Islands 04610
30  Barbados 03912
31  Haiti 0257
32  Saint Kitts and Nevis 0202
33  Paraguay 0167
34  Honduras 0145
35  Bolivia 0145
36  Grenada 0123
37  Dominica 0123
38  Belize 0022
39  Saint Lucia 0022
40  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0011
Total 42084080474913037
