All-India Jamhur Muslim League

The All India Jamhur Muslim League was formed in 1940, to counter the Lahore resolution, passed by the All-India Muslim League, for a separate Pakistan based on Muhammad Ali Jinnah's Two nation theory.

The first session of the party was held at Muzaffarpur in Bihar. The Raja of Mahmoodabad was elected president and Dr. Maghfoor Ahmad Ajazi was elected General Secretary. Later, the Raja of Mahmoodabad changed his mind under influence of Jinah, who was a long time family friend and rejoined Jinnah in 1941. A major faction of the Jamhur Muslim League under the leadership of Dr. Ajazi merged with Congress to strengthen its views on partition.[1]

Muhammad Ali Jinnah with Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi before the partition of India
First Session of All India Jamhur Muslim League


  1. South Asian History and Culture,Routledge,London,ISSN1947-2498 vol 2 pp 16–36 Taylor and Francis group