
Systematic (IUPAC) name
Human beta-glucocerebrosidase
Clinical data
AHFS/ monograph
MedlinePlus a692001
Pharmacokinetic data
Half-life 3.6–10.4 min
37228-64-1 Yes
DrugBank DB00088 Yes
UNII 27T56C7KK0 Yes
KEGG D09675 Yes
Chemical data
Formula C2532H3854N672O711S16
55597.4 g/mol
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Alglucerase was a biopharmaceutical drug for the treatment of Gaucher's disease. It was a modified form of human β-glucocerebrosidase enzyme, where the non-reducing ends of the oligosaccharide chains have been terminated with mannose residues.[1]

Ceredase is the trade name of a citrate buffered solution of alglucerase that was manufactured by Genzyme Corporation from human placental tissue.[1] It is given intravenously in the treatment of Type 1 Gaucher's disease. This was the first drug appoved as an enzyme replacement therapy.[1]

It was approved by the FDA in 1991.[2] It has been withdrawn from the market[3][4] due to the approval of similar drugs made with recombinant DNA technology instead of being harvested from tissue; drugs made recombinantly, since there is no concern about diseases being transmitted from the tissue used in harvesting, and are less expensive to manufacture[1] (see imiglucerase).


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Deegan PB, Cox TM. Imiglucerase in the treatment of Gaucher disease: a history and perspective. Drug Des Devel Ther. 2012;6:81-106. doi: 10.2147/DDDT.S14395. Epub 2012 Apr 18. PMID 22563238 (free full text)
  2. World Health Organization. Regulatory Matters WHO Drug Information 5:3) 1991. p 123
  3. Aetna. Last reviewed 8 August, 2014 Clinical Policy Bulletin Number: 0442: Enzyme-replacement Therapy for Lysosomal Storage Disorders
  4. FDA Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drug Product List. 32ND Edition Cumulative Supplement Number 3: March 2012. Additions/Deletions for Prescription Drug Product List

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