Alexander Bruno
Alexander Dmitrievich Bruno (Russian: Брюно Александр Дмитриевич) (26 June 1940, Moscow) is a Russian mathematician who has made contributions to the normal forms theory. Bruno developed a new level of mathematical analysis and called it "power geometry". He also applied it to the solution of several problems in mathematics, mechanics, celestial mechanics, and hydrodynamics. The Brjuno numbers were introduced by him in 1971, and are named after him.
- Mathematician.
- Professor, 1970, Institute of Applied Mathematics.
- MS, Moscow State University, 1962; PhD, 1966
- Junior, 1965
- Senior, 1971
- Leading Researcher, 1987
- Head of Mathematical Department, 1995.
- 3rd Prize at the Moscow Mathematical Olympiade, 1956
- 1st Prize ibid, 1957
- 2nd Prize for Students Papers in Moscow St University, 1960, 1961.
- Moscow Mathematical Society
- American Mathematical Society
- Academy of Nonlinear Sciences
Research interest
- Universal Nonlinear Analysis and its application to various grants for support
- Number theory
- Analytical form of differential equations (I, II). Trans. Moscow Math. Soc. 25 (1971) 131–288, 26 (1972) 199–239
- Local Methods in Nonlinear Differential Equations. Springer-Verlag: Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo, 1989. 350 pp.
- The Restricted 3-Body Problem: Plane Periodic Orbits. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York, 1994. 362 pp.
- Power Geometry in Algebraic and Differential Equations. Elsevier Science (North-Holland), Amsterdam, 2000. 395 pp
Current projects
- Power geometry and its applications
- Multidimensional generalizations of continued fractions and applications
- Publication of the book "Foundations of Numerical Analysis" by K. I. Babenko.